Chapter 25: Sibling bonding

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"Rise and shine Zuzu!" Toga cheered opening up the door.

Izuku groaned as he sat up from his bed. "What the hell Toga?" He said rubbihn the sleep out his eyes.

"Don't blame her. It's almost noon," Dabi said coming up from behind her.

"I never sleep in that long," he chuckled getting out of bed.

Toga had to look to the floor to stop the blush from forming on her face.

Izuku had bed hair combined with him being shirtless. The only thing he had on was sweatpants.

"Toga, are you okay?" Izuku said grinning.

"Um- I'm okay. It's just -uh. You are hot," he breathed the last part.

"Put on a shirt idiot," Dabi laughed understanding Toga's confession.

Izuku laughed as he grabbed a random shirt and slide it on.

"So, what things are on the news about me, since I missed the morning one?"

"New villain that goes by the name Breach was the reason behind hero killer: Stain's death. Witnesses say that they heard Stain and Breach confer about Stains offer to join the league of Villains. Stain was never part of the League of villains," Dabi mimicked the news reporter.

"They also described what you looked like and how your ruby earring is something to know you by," Toga added, finally able to speak normally.

Izuku let out a yawn. "So what's the plan for the day?"

"Movie marathon!" Toga cheered, jumping up and down.

Izuku laughed as she skipped back to her room where they would have their movie marathons.

"She's going to want to play with my hair huh?" Izuku asked Dabi.




The three of them finished watching their second movie before they took a meal break.

The three were eating chicken nuggets and talking about random things.

"I got tea about one of the students in my class," Izuku said taking a sip of his water.

"That's fun! Spill it!" Toga gleamed.

"A certain half and half boy has a crush on me," he smirked glancing over to Dabi.

"No. Hell no!" Dabi was annoyed.

"Relax crispy bacon, he never confessed. I just figured it out," Izuku said putting another chicken nugget in his mouth.

"How then?"

"The boy waited for me to finish talking to Aizawa and walked with me to the train station. He also asked me to call him Shoto. He also turned red when I was talking to him and he was stuttering. I think I might play with his feelings a bit. That'll be fun," Izuku chuckled at the last part.

"But I have a crush on you, why don't you accept my feelings?" Toga asked.

"Because, you know my secrets. He doesn't."

Dabi rolled his eyes. "So, you are going to act like his boyfriend when in reality you just want to cause the kid trauma?"

Izuku looked at Dabi innocently. "Pretty much."

"Alright, I'm chill with it. The past never dies with me. Just don't mess with my mom," Dabi warned.

"I will not do anything to your mother, I promise."

Dabi smiled. "Good, now let's get back to our movies before crusty and the league's mother ruins our fun."

Toga and Izuku laughed.

This was Izuku's true family that he loved.


"Zuzu! Can I do your hair?" Toga asked shooting popcorn into Dabi's hair while he slept.

"Sure, why not. Also stop doing that before he wakes up and kills you."

"He won't kill me. Chase me down, yes but kill, no."

Izuku playfully rolled his eyes. "If your going to play with my hair, you got 10 minutes."

Toga threw down the bowl of popcorn, cleaned her hands and grabbed every hair product she would think she would need.

"Any rules?" She asked.

"No cutting it. I know how you are."

Izuku heard the scissors be put away. 'This girl was really about to cut my hair!'

"Alright, I have a new plan," Toga smiled.

Izuku said a small prayer to the horrors going on to his hair.


"Who threw the popcorn in my hair?" Dabi asked waking up having the popcorn fall on him.

"Toga," Izuku said calmly.

"Sorry but it was fun," Toga apologized.

"Whatever. Izuku, what the hell is she doing to your hair?"

"Honestly, I have no clue. Kinda scared."

"Am i that scary?" Toga asked.

"Yes," both boys replied.

"That was a quick response," she huffed pulling Izuku's hair a few more times.

Izuku was immune to the pain because of the treatment he went through when he was younger from his father and Shigiraki.


Toga backed away from Izuku and admired her work.

Izuku passed her his phone. "Take a picture and show it to me," he told her.

Toga took his phone and did has he instructed. When she passed the phone back, Izuku saw the French braid she had put in his hair. It went about halfway down his scalp and the rest was gathered into a ponytail.

"Holy crap Toga. This looks amazing!"

Dabi got up from his seat a grabbed the phone from Izuku.

His eyes widened with shock. "Damn! I didn't know you can braid hair like that."

"I'm still a girl you know! Knowing how to do a simple braid is the best hair style to know."

"I like how my green and black hair go into each other. It looks awesome!" Izuku said still in shock.

"You really like it Izu?" She smiled.

"Heck yes!"

The two boys laughed at Toga while she was freaking out.

"I love you two so much!" She squealed grabbing the bowl of popcorn from earlier.

"Aw, Toga. We love you!"

They continued to goof around till it was time for dinner and they had to go downstairs.

"Do I have to go back to UA Monday? I like hanging with you guys more," Izuku complained to the two.

"Just think about it this way, whenever your able to kidnap that Bakugo kid and get you out of there, you can hang out with us every day," Dabi told him.

"I'm so going to mess with Shoto. To give me some enjoyment in UA."

"Just don't get caught idiot," Dabi warned.

"I've gone 16 years without being noticed as the most powerful villain's son. I think I can last a little longer."

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