Chapter Forty Eight

Beginne am Anfang

Standing I took off my sunglasses and tossed them onto the bed next to Olivia.

"I'm going for a swim you should join me I don't exactly trust people not to ogle at you" I admit.

"Well if anyone tries it I will make sure they know not to after the first warning" Olivia says, and I smirk.

"Feel free to break bones if needed, I pay the best lawyers in the world" I say before walking away towards the ocean.

As I dove under the water I swam out farther into the bay which just beyond which I could see my yacht anchored.

People might think I'm materialistic but until they make what I do I don't want to hear it.

As I passed where most people dared go I headed out towards the low swells.

When I stopped I was near the ends of the bay before I did an under water flip and went back towards the shore, actually pushing myself to stay under water for as long as possible when I eventually surfaced my lungs burned from the lack of oxygen before I sucked in a breath to soothe them and went back under.

The ocean was too familiar and comforting to me, it would explain why I will in about two years own five yachts.

Getting to the shore I sweep the wet hair off my face and walk up the beach.

"Half the beach is looking at you" Olivia muses looking at me from where she lay wearing my sunglasses.

"To bad I couldn't give a damn about nearly every one here" I say sitting down next to her and getting the sand off my feet.

"You ever hear of subtlety?" she asks.

"Not my style" I reply, "Also we should return to the yacht I want to get started on dinner for tonight".

I then grab the key, and take my sunglasses before walking down to the Sea Doo, and start it before getting my life jacket on.

After a moment Olivia comes down to the water with the towel, and I put it away before starting the jet ski and turn around.

Once Olivia had held onto my waist I speed up heading towards my yacht, at top speed with the wind whipping through our hair.

When I pulled up beside the boat I hooked the vehicle to the walkway and got off along with Olivia as I piloted the crane to put the Sea Doo back where it belonged same as Nico's and Kate's.

We then hung our life jackets and I took my phone and the towel out of the jet ski I used.

Going out onto the back through the hallways of the yacht we finally reached the exit door, which was technically a bulkhead but looked like a fancy door on the other side before going up the stairs to the level my bedroom was on to shower and change into my original clothes.

When I finished I walked to the kitchen and opened up the walls a feature that was actually quite common for nearly every level with glass walled rooms though on this deck it stopped here.

I then turned on some Frank Sinatra and began to look for all the ingredients for the steak I was going to make since I had an idea to also have it with noodles, and mix it with some spices.

"Fly Me To The Moon" Olivia says leaning on the counter.

"One of the classic Sinatra songs" I say before walking towards her singing a line from the song to her.

"You are all I long for, all I worship, and adore".

"You really are an even mix of old and new money aren't you?" Olivia muses.

"I blame my years alone as a child for this" I say.

"He's a good singer so I can see why you listen to him".

"I used to listen to him when studying before tests when I attended the Rosenberg".

Olivia nodded, "Calming also can I do anything to help".

"Well..." I say dragging out the word as I sprinkle seasoning on the steaks, "could start with a drink, then would you mind making the fettucine".

"What kind of drink".

"I was thinking a Virgin Mojito".

"I will have to look that up but I'm sure I could figure it out".

"I'm sure you could" I muse.

After a few minute Olivia had figured it out and made both of us one.

"Thank you bellissima" I say setting it by the stove as I begin to work through cooking the meat correctly.

"You're welcome" she says.

I liked cooking with Olivia it was our ritual together in a way every time she stayed at my house at least once we made a full meal together, which almost always took twice as long thanks to us teasing one another.

An hour later when we finished cooking and separating and preparing the plates I carried all four waiter style to the dining room and set them out on the table.

"Nico, Kate foods ready" I yelled down through the hallway to the living room.

When they walked in we all sat at the table to enjoy our meal.

"Thanks for the food" Nico says.

"It smells delicious" Kate adds.

"You're both welcome" I say, "also Olivia had a part in it too".

"I heated up some noodles I didn't really cook anything" Olivia says.

"I beg to differ" I muse sending her a small smile, which she returns before we all dig into our food as the sun begins to set.
This book will hopefully be done by the start of next month that's the hope, also comment, vote, and share, follow if your enjoying the book. Anyways


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