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W O R S T  T I M I N G"if you asked me out

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W O R S T  T I M I N G
"if you asked me out. i would've said yes."

YOU CLOSE THE DOOR BEHIND YOU, with nothing but a wide smile pasted on your face.

  You turn around and lean on the door, the smile growing bigger from ear to ear. Your cheeks practically hurt from smiling so hard.

  Love is a drug—one that can be so easily addicted to. One that is hard to come clean of. It's like once your in love, you can't get out if you want to, and your mind is stuck in spirals that always lead back to your person. A concept you really never fully understood until you felt it. In love, I mean.

  For you, that one person is your boyfriend of nine weeks—Dylan.

  "Somebody looks happy." Drew says, who's sitting on the couch in the living room. You blush immediately, feeling embarrassed for not noticing him when you walked through the door.

  "Yeah..." you say cheerfully, dragging out the last few letters while kicking your shoes off and heading towards the couch. You plop down beside my roommate, and he pauses the TV.

  "Or should I say in love..." he teases, with an adorable smile spread across his cheeks. You blush even more, and roll your eyes playfully, to which he chuckles.

  "I am." You say hesitantly. Although Dylan and you have told each other that you love each other, you thought you meant it, but you don't know anymore.

  Drew furrows his eyebrows, looking for any sense of doubt in your face. "You sure?" He says, and you nod confidently, to make sure he doesn't question you further on it.

  "So how was the date?" He asked oh-so-innocently, but what he was really looking for was any second thoughts you were having in your relationship.

  "It was amazing—he took me to my favourite restaurant and then we went for a walk on the beach as the sun was setting—" you rambled on about Dylan and the so perfect date he took you on. But truth be told, Drew didn't listen. He didn't care.

  He studied your face as you spoke—the way your entire face lights up when you get to a part in the story that you really like or the way the corners of your mouth turned upwards into a small smirk as you spoke. He loved it. He loved you. You were his special person, but he wasn't yours.

  You've both been friends for the longest time. But you always seemed to question if you actually were. It's not like either of you were confused on the relationship—you both knew that each of you lied when you told others that you're nothing more.

  You were friends that looked at each other a lot longer than you should have. Friends that wouldn't move an inch when your knees touched the others, and friends that would think the world of each other.

  But for some reason, you only stayed friends. And Drew wished he said something earlier; before it was too late.

  And now here he was—doing the one thing he promised himself he wouldn't do. Falling completely at your feet while your heart belonged to someone else.

  "Sorry. I'm rambling. You probably don't want to hear about Dylan." You said, suddenly becoming shy when you realized you had talked about him for almost five minutes.

  You're right. I don't want to hear about how he kissed you on the beach because I want to be him, is what he wanted to say. But instead, he simply asked "Then why do you think I asked about him?"

  "Right. Sorry." You pressed your lips into a thin smile, both of you chuckling at yourself.

  He hated this. He hated that he was in love with you when he knew it would never happen, and he hated how you were so oblivious to it.

  "Now you. What happened with you and Sophie?" You asked, referring to his ex girlfriend.

  "I broke up with her three months ago." He innocently replied, earning himself an eye roll out of you.

  "I know that. I mean why did you end things with her? You seemed to really like her."

  "I still had feelings for someone else. It wasn't fair to her." Drew said quietly, very hesitant to tell you. Your mouth falls agape, and you become much more interested in the conversation.

  "Who? Who was it?" You interrogate him, to which he just shook his head in reply.

  "Was it Madison? Carlacia? Drew just tell me!" You groaned, nudging him when he wouldn't budge no matter how much you begged him.

  "Okay, fine, fine, fine," He laughed, a smile pasted on his face. "It was you."

  "Really? Like you're not kidding right now?" You ask, a little taken aback.

  "Nope. Being dead serious right now." He replied, shrugging his shoulders and playing it off easily as if he doesn't still like you.

  "I liked you too around then."

  The words made Drew's stomach do a flip. It felt like everything was finally coming together, even when it wasn't, because you were still in love with Dylan. He couldn't help but smile, even through how hard he tried to bite it back.

  "I was gonna ask you out." He confessed, blushing a little.

  "Why didn't you?"

  "I don't know. I didn't think you felt the same way, so nothing happened." He said, causing both of you to chuckle.

  "Oh my gosh, worst timing ever at its finest, am i right?" You said, causing Drew to chuckle and nod in response.

  The next couple minutes of silence was rather awkward. You suddenly became very aware that you were in a small dress next to Drew, who you may or may not still have feelings for. You didn't know how to have a conversation with him anymore.

  "I would've said yes." You blurted out, causing Drew to turn his glance from his lap to your eyes.

  "Hmm?" He hummed, furrowing his brows.

  "If you asked me out. I would've said yes." You licked your lips, as a deep crimson creeped up on Drew's face again. His glance shifted to your lips, and so did yours.

  His lips looked soft and gentle. He looked like he would kiss you so passionately and lovingly, that made you practically beg for more. The type of kiss that lingers on forever and the one that you never want to stop.

  Both of you leaned in. Oh how badly he wanted to kiss you.

  "Uhm," you cleared your throat, pulling away when your lips were just about to brush together once your mind snapped back to reality. The reality being that you already had a boyfriend. "I should get to bed. It's pretty late." You said, scrambling away from the couch as if the two of you had just committed a crime.

  "Yeah, oh yeah, of course. Goodnight, y/n." He cleared his throat as well, adjusting his position awkwardly.

  "Night Drew." You flashed a small smile, before heading off to bed, mentally cursing yourself for not kissing the boy you fell in love with.

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