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The three children got hold of the keys and sneaked out at 1 am. They went to get their bikes from the garden shed and were alarmed to find that Timmy was not there.

''I hope he hasn't escaped or been set free by Roland again'' Anne said fretfully ''I'd hate it if we lost him all over again''

''We can't worry about Timmy now, we have to go to the mansion'' Dick said urgently ''Tim can look after himself as he has proven before, a tough and clever dog that one''

The three of them cycled in the dark. It was a long ride and became very dark and difficult when they reached the open countryside, luckily they had lights on the bikes. Anne wanted to be brave but she was scared and wished she hadn't asked to come after all, but it was far too late to turn back now and they had to help George and their father. If they were there in the mansion, trapped and scared, the three of them were going to find them and rescue them.

Finally, they arrived at the mansion at 4 am after a three-hour bike ride. They were all tired and a little scared. The mansion looked intimidating and imposing in the pitch darkness. They quietly put their bikes down and walked to the front door. Dick quietly put the key in and unlocked it, they crept inside the dark cold mansion

''We have to try not to wake Joanna'' Dick whispered ''As far as I know she stays here as a housekeeper but as long as we are quiet we won't wake her''

''I don't like this at all'' Anne said trembling ''it is so creepy''

''You can go back outside and wait if you prefer not to be in here'' Julian whispered

''No way'' Anne whispered back ''I am staying with you two, I won't stay alone''

They went to the lounge room and put their torches on ''Let's examine that wall where Timmy ran to'' Dick said ''I am sure there is something behind that wall''

Sure enough, when they looked Julian noticed that the wall was moving when he pushed it, the same way Liam had. They pushed and found the stairs down to the secret passage. Terrified but also excited the three of them made their way down into the passageway and started walking. Anne suddenly screamed very loudly and the scream echoed along the corridor

''Anne what are you screaming for?!'' Julian asked angrily ''We are supposed to do this quietly''

''Something ran over my feet!'' she exclaimed

Julian shone his torch on the ground and noticed rats scurrying around. Anne was about to scream again when Julian put a hand over her mouth ''Anne stop it, I just hope you didn't wake Joanna up just now with that scream''

They arrived at the door to the room George and Quentin was in and found the key on the hook nearby the same way Liam had. Dick picked the key off the hook and tried to unlock the door but his hands were shaking too much ''Let me do it bro'' Julian said kindly. 

Julian unlocked the door. They slowly opened it, their hearts pounding hard in their chests. Feeling increasingly scared of what they might find behind this door, they entered and shone their torches.

George was already awake having heard Anne's scream seconds before, he shielded her eyes from the torch that Julian was pointing directly at him ''Who is there?'' she asked nervously ''is that you Joanna?''

The other three recognized their brother's voice at once ''George it's us'' Dick said, the emotion clear in his voice ''it's us Dick, Ju, and Anne, we came to find you''

Things got very emotional over the next few minutes. They woke Quentin up and Dick and Julian started to unchain them both. They explained everything about how Dick knew something was wrong and how Timmy has run to the wall. They explained how Roland had shown his true colors and Julian and Anne finally realized the truth 

1. GEORGE HAS A PERFECTLY WRETCHED TIMEWhere stories live. Discover now