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George was very upset about losing Timmy and pined for him. She put up missing dog posters with his photo in the hope that someone might find him. She had to at least try, she couldn't just do nothing to find him. 

She started to feel very depressed. Everything was getting too much for her. Losing her father and Timmy, that awful Roland moving in and taking over, and the fact that she wanted to be a boy but knew that most people considered her as a girl regardless of how she felt. It had all got too much for her.

One day her best friend Liam found her crying in the boy's toilets although she tried to hide it from him. He comforted her and asked her what was wrong

''Everything is wrong'' she replied ''I miss Timmy and my father so much, not even knowing if they are alive or dead is somehow worse than if I knew for sure. I hate that man Roland too''

''Yes from what you've told me about him he sounds quite ghastly. I wonder what it is that your mother, sister, and brothers see in him?''

''Well, Dick at least doesn't really like him that much now. I am very disappointed in Julian though because I thought he had more of a brain but I was wrong. As for Anne, she's always been a dickhead but my mother is the one I am really angry with. She let that man move into her bed with her and says they are in love while my father remains missing, It was only a matter of weeks after he first disappeared. Anyone would think...''

George suddenly stopped and looked spooked for a moment. ''Anyone would think what?'' Liam asked her

''Anyone would think...well I mean it almost feels like Roland planned all this, as though he knew my father would go missing and planned to move into his place''

''Surely that's impossible?''

'' I guess so but everything happened so soon after he came to stay with us, it's very odd''

''George I hate to say it but maybe you need to stop thinking about Roland so much, I can see it's getting you down a lot now. What that man did to Timmy was awful, I understand why you hate him but maybe Timmy will come home one day if he is still alive?'' 

''Oh boy I hope so'' said George with tears in her eyes ''I can't stand to think of him out there on his own, lost and frightened''

''He's a smart dog though remember''

''Yes and a loving and loyal dog too''

Liam gave George a kiss. ''I hate to see my best friend so upset'' he said

George kissed him back ''I feel a little better now that we've had this talk Liam, thank you you always support me and you're my best friend...well after Timmy anyway''

Liam kissed her again ''George, I see you as more than a friend and I think you feel the same about me don't you?''

George felt her heart racing ''Yes but I didn't know if you felt it too''

Liam blushed ''I need to tell you something, I am gay. For a long time, I knew I liked boys and I kept it to myself because I was too scared to tell anyone. The thing is George I've always been attracted to you because you look and act so much like a boy. I never really saw you as a girl''

''I've always been very attracted to you as well, you are the perfect boy in my eyes, masculine, are the best and most attractive boy. I know I have the body of a girl but I've always considered myself to be a boy really. I guess that makes us both gay...sort of ''

They started kissing again, it felt so good. ''I think I love you''  Liam told George

''I think I love you too'' he replied

1. GEORGE HAS A PERFECTLY WRETCHED TIMEМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя