Chapter 18 - A GRAND DAY OUT

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They set off to the mansion with Timmy in tow. When they arrived, Fanny, Anne, and Julian were quite in awe of the mansion. Dick of course had seen it already and wasn't bothered. As they started to get out of the car, Timmy became frantic to get out too  

''You'd better let him out to do a wee and then make sure he gets back in the car'' Fanny told Anne ''I'm still worried we made a mistake to bring him, we must make sure he doesn't upset Roland''

Dick was starting to get sick and tired of hearing about making sure not to upset Roland, that bastard had set Timmy free in the middle of nowhere and he wondered if his mother knew the truth would she even care? She was completely under his spell now. Dick had realized he still loved his mother but he didn't respect her anymore. He had always been told to respect his parents and teachers but he thought now that just because someone is a parent or in authority over you, it doesn't grant them the right to respect, their actions are what does. His mother had done little in recent weeks to deserve respect. 

When Anne let Timmy out of the car he raced straight to the front door of the mansion and started scratching at it and crying, eager to get in

''Come here and get in the car!'' Anne told him ''You can't go in there Timmy, Uncle Roly won't like it'' 

Anne tried to pull Timmy away but he refused to come, he carried on scratching and whining. He even growled at Anne when she tried to pull him away, this upset Anne as he had never growled at her before.

''Stop messing around with that dog and get him into the car at once will you'' Fanny barked at Anne, her patience wearing thin 

''I'm trying to but he won't come''

Fanny marched over and picked Timmy up and marched back to the car with him ''this dog is disobedient like his owner is'' she snapped ''enough is enough, stay in this car and shut up and do as you're told''

She slammed the door shut. The kids all stood in shock to see Fanny lose it like that with poor Timmy. As they walked away and left him Timmy refused to be quiet and kept on barking and scratching at the door, desperate to be let out.

''What has got into him?'' Julian said puzzled ''he seems really worked up about something''

''Forget about the dog will you, we're here to see our new home now'' Fanny said sternly and knocked at the door

Roland came to the door with a smile on his face. The smile left his face when he saw, and heard, Timmy in the car. ''What is that wretched mutt doing here?'' he said ''I thought it was gone for good?''

''Timmy found his way home, isn't he clever!'' Anne cried

''Too clever for his own good...but why did you bring him here? You know I don't like him''

''Yes well look Roly I knew you would not want him here but I agreed to let him come as long as he stayed in the car'' Fanny explained ''The kids were so excited to see him again I couldn't say no. There is no harm in him being here as long as he stays in the car is there?''   

Roland was still not happy but forced a smile ''Hmm I suppose not, but I hope he will stop barking. There is nothing worse than listening to a dog barking all day''

They made their way into the mansion and Roland gave them a tour of the grand old place. Anne and Fanny were their usual selves, everything was so wonderful to them and Roland could do no wrong. Julian was almost as bad. Dick smiled and went along with it but all the time he was looking, watching everything. The place seemed so clean and bland, with no evidence or signs that anything sinister was happening there. But the place felt so cold, Dick had a bad feeling about it the moment he walked in. He felt a presence here, not a ghost or something supernatural, just the presence of darkness and evil. 

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