Chapter 13 - ROLAND'S LIE

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''I can't believe it'' George said ''I just can't. He is having an affair with Joanna?''

''We don't know for sure that they are having an affair'' Dick said, not sounding very sure about it though

''They looked pretty friendly to me''

''I don't know, it could have just been an innocent kiss of affection as they parted company''

''Why is he driving out to this place to meet her then? There is obviously something fishy going on. I think we should go and confront her right now and ask her''

''Oh I don't think that's a very good idea'' Dick said fretfully

''Oh I do, I think it's a great idea. You can wait here if you want but I'm going to talk to her''

George got out of the car and started to march towards the mansion. Dick decided he might as well go too and got out and rushed after George. George walked up and rang the bell. After a moment Joanna came to the door looking surprised and puzzled. It was clear she wasn't expecting someone to knock at the door of such an isolated place unless it was a visitor she already expected. The look on her face changed to one of complete shock and panic when she saw who was there

''Hello Joanna, George said, an icy tone in his voice

''Why are you two here?'' Joanna said with a distinctly confused and panicky tone in her voice ''How did you find me here, what do you want?''

''We followed Roland here. Imagine our surprise when we saw you here with him. Is this his mansion?''

''Yes it is''

''Can we come in and have a look around?'' Dick asked


''Because we are curious and we want to see it''

''Look you really shouldn't be here kids, I don't know why you followed Roland here, but I doubt he'll be very pleased about this when I tell him''

''Well I'm not very pleased either'' George said ''I am not pleased because Roland has been keeping secrets from my mother and I don't like that. Why are you here? I am curious to know why you are in Roland's mansion. You only met him briefly before my parents fired you for stealing, it's all very odd. Are you aware he is in a relationship with my mother and my father is missing''

''Yes he told me all that''

''Are you having an affair with him?''


''Then why are you living in his mansion?''

''Look when your parents fired me I was very upset, I didn't steal your mother's necklace and I have no idea how Quentin's watch ended up in my bag, so I was very upset about being accused and questioned by the police. Roland came to see me to see if I was ok, he was so kind to me. I told him I really needed another job after losing my old one and he said he had this mansion sitting empty which needed a house sitter to keep it clean and keep burglars away. He offered me a generous salary plus the perks of living in such a grand place.  I accepted the offer, only a fool would have said no. I'm not having an affair with him but we've become close friends, he really is a very nice man''

''Ok,'' George replied, not really convinced that Joanna was telling the truth. She seemed far too nervous. ''But I want to know why Roland hasn't told my mother about this. He has this huge mansion sitting empty and he didn't say a word about it''

''You'll have to ask him about that George, I really don't want to get involved''

''Just answer one question for me please'' George said

1. GEORGE HAS A PERFECTLY WRETCHED TIMEWhere stories live. Discover now