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The three of them stood around in silence for a moment

''Well? Is one of you going to tell me what's going on?'' Roland said at last ''it's fairly obvious that I walked in on another argument. No doubt Georgina was being difficult as usual''

''Well she has said a couple of things that are rather concerning yes'' Fanny told him

''Oh, and what were these concerning things?'' 

Fanny decided the best thing to do was to tell Roland everything and ask him straight out if any of it is true. After she had finished Roland was as cool as a cucumber, totally unconcerned about it

''Well it does seem I have been caught out doesn't it'' he said with a casual smile ''Joanna is my house sitter, I felt very sorry for her. I know she stole from you but I am too kind-hearted for my own good sometimes. She promised never to steal again, hopefully, I haven't made a mistake to trust her and give her this second chance. I didn't want to mention it in case you were upset that I hired her''   

''It's ok I don't really hold a grudge against her anyway'' Fanny said ''but what about this mansion? Do you own it?''

 ''Yes I do own a mansion''

''Why did you not mention this before?'' Fanny asked him '' I find it odd that you have a mansion and didn't tell us''

''I didn't tell you because it's a surprise. I want to do it up first, it's become a bit shabby over the years. Once it's done up nicely I was fully intending to take you there to see it. You see it will be our home. There are 6 bedrooms Anne, George, and the boys will have their own rooms and we will have a room. I need to decorate the bedrooms to make them look nice. There is a stable too, I want to buy Anne a horse, I know how much she wants one. It was supposed to be a surprise but I suppose now that you know I may as well take you all there to see it''

''Oh you darling man'' Fanny said and hugged him ''I'm so sorry that your surprise has been spoiled''

''It's ok I'll get over it. I guess now that you know you can all help with the decorating anyway''

''Is it true that you had a flood?'' George asked '' I mean after all that was the reason you claimed when you came to stay here''

''Yes, sadly that is true. All the more reason why I had to keep the mansion a secret you see. I couldn't show it to you until it was in a better condition and because it's such a big mansion the repairs took so long''   

''I don't believe you'' George stated ''Joanna said there was no evidence of flooding and you didn't mention it to her''

''By the time she moved in the worst of the damage was already mended. I did mention it to her but maybe she forgot about it''

''I have to hand it to you you really do have an answer for everything don't you'' George said

''Well only because its the truth Georgina love''

''I think you should apologize for getting this all so wrong'' Fanny said to her daughter sternly '' Roly has explained everything and you have been rude and distrustful for no reason. You overstepped the mark following him and spying on him. Both you and Dick will now be punished for that, I am not impressed and that is putting it lightly. This vendetta against Roly has got to stop young lady and I mean it'' 

''There is still one last thing that our dear Roly hasn't explained'' George looked into Roland's eyes and gave him a hard cold smile ''Why did you lie to Joanna and tell her that Julian set her up and that it was his idea to check her bag when it was you who said to check the bag?''

''Well, that's simple. I didn't say that I told her the truth, that I had said it, about checking her bag that is''

''Why would she say Julian said it then?''

1. GEORGE HAS A PERFECTLY WRETCHED TIMEWhere stories live. Discover now