Chapter 2 -SCHOOLBOY

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The next morning Quentin, Fanny, and George's siblings Julian, Dick, and Anne were sitting down to breakfast. George was missing

''Did you call George down for breakfast?'' Quentin asked his wife

''Yes I did but she didn't come down'' Fanny replied

''Well I expect to see her at the breakfast table you know''

''Well yes, but I can't go into her room and drag her down here can i? She'll come down when she is ready''

A few minutes later George walked into the room and everyone stared at her in surprise. She was wearing a boy's uniform for school

''Where did you get that uniform from?'' her father demanded. He was furious

''This is Julian's uniform'' George replied

Julian was angry ''what the hell...take it off at once'' he demanded ''come on stop being an idiot. I have to wear that uniform for school today''

''Sorry, but I am wearing this uniform now. You can get a new uniform. I am wearing this uniform because I want the whole school to know that I am a boy now'' George was fearless and confident. 

George, Dick, Julian, and Anne all went to the same school. Until today George wore the girl's uniform but she had always hated it

''You know I'll get a bunch of detentions for turning up without a uniform'' Julian whined ''Dad tell her, she's way out of line and I'll be punished for it''

''You won't get punished for this'' Quentin told him ''I'll come into school with you and explain what has happened. I won't let you get punished for your sister's bad behavior son'' Quentin smiled at Julian and he smiled back, satisfied.

Julian and his father were sitting with Mr. Wilton., the headmaster, in his office

''It's ok'' Mr. Wilton said and smiled at Julian, who was wearing a hoody and jeans instead of a school uniform ''your father has explained that it's not your fault. You get off to your lessons now and you'll wear your own clothes today but we'll fix you up with a new uniform soon''

''Thank you Sir'' Julian said before getting up and leaving the room leaving Quentin alone with Mr. Wilton

Mr. Wilton smiled at Quentin ''well this is most irregular of course'' he said ''we have never had a girl who stole her brother's uniform to come to school dressed as a boy and then says from now on they are a boy. It's just very unusual and I also noticed that she cut her hair short to look even more like a boy''

''Well we are all very concerned about it'' Quentin told Mr. Wilton '' I assure you this is just a phase my daughter is going through. My wife and I will take her to see someone, a psychiatrist or something, to fix this problem once and for all''

Mr. Wilton beamed at Quentin ''How relieved I am to hear you say that'' he told him ''We must deal with this problem right away before it gets any more out of hand''

George sat in class and did not care when everyone looked at her and laughed and made bad comments. She was very happy and confident now

''How many boys are there in this classroom then?'' a boy called Liam demanded

''There are 17 boys and 12 girls, you know that'' the teacher said

''There are 18 boys and 11 girls actually'' Liam said and pointed at George

''It's true there are 18 boys here now, I am a boy too'' George said in a matter-of-fact way. Everyone looked at George with surprise ''I can play football as well as any one of you'' he told them with a smile

1. GEORGE HAS A PERFECTLY WRETCHED TIMEWhere stories live. Discover now