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Over the next couple of days, George and Quentin tried to talk to Joanna every time she came to give them food. They tried to convince her of the truth and that she had to help them and stop this. But she totally trusted Roland and nothing they said could change her mind. She wasn't even bothered about a teenager being kept, prisoner. It was beyond frustrating.

Elsewhere, back at the Kirrin house, George had been reported missing by an upset Fanny

''She's just run away for a while that's all'' Roland said ''She'll be back once she thinks she has proved her point''

''I hope so but I am worried about her. Why does everyone keep going missing around here? First Quentin, then Timmy, and now Georgina? Thank heavens I have you, Roland, to help me through it or else I would have cracked by now'' 

Anne and Julian were very angry with their selfish sister, how could she do this? Runaway like this? It wasn't fair on their mother.  Julian realized that what he did by stealing his mother's necklace was very wrong and was settling down and accepting his six-month punishment. Perhaps the most surprising thing, at least to Dick anyway, was that he also accepted Roland's spanking punishment and told him that he accepted his discipline as a stepdad. They shook hands and made up and Julian and Anne and Fanny continued to love the man.

Dick still didn't and he didn't believe that George had run away either. He felt sure that Roland had made him disappear. George left to search the mansion and didn't return. Dick knew something was wrong but the advantage he had over Roland was that Roland didn't know that he knew that George was going to the mansion so he kept it to himself and decided that he needed to go there himself to look. But he needed another copy of the keys, George only made one copy which he had taken with him. He needed to get those keys to copy again without Roland knowing about it. He had to try and rescue his father and his sister if they were at the mansion.  

To Dick's surprise, about 3 days after George first went missing, Roland told everyone that it was time to take them to the mansion and show it to them ''The time has come, you've all been waiting long enough to see the home you will all be living in soon'' he told them ''it's not quite ready for us all to move in yet but it won't be much longer now''

Fanny, Anne, and Julian could hardly contain their excitement while Dick was also excited but for a different reason, he was happy to have a chance to get in there and have a look at last. But if George and his father were there why would Roland be so happy to take them there? He suddenly got a bad feeling that maybe Roland had killed them but he ignored it and tried to think positive

''I can't wait to see the mansion at last uncle Roly'' he told him, trying his best to sound like a happy and friendly stepson ''I'm sorry I was difficult for a while but I'm over it now. I'm happy to have you as a stepfather''

''Good to hear'' Roland said with a smile 

''I am very excited I can hardly wait'' Anne squealed childishly

''There will be a little surprise waiting for you when we get there'' Roland told her

''Oh uncle Roly what is it?''

''I can't tell you if I did it wouldn't be a surprise anymore would it''

Anne squealed again ''Oh I can't wait I can't wait to see my surprise!''

''You can come this weekend'' Roland told them ''I want to go on ahead on Friday evening to sort a few things and make sure that it's ready when you come on Saturday''

Dick found this interesting, go on ahead to sort things and make sure it's ready? Things like making sure George and Quentin were well hidden or something?

''Fanny I will give you directions to the mansion....'' Roland paused and gave Dick a smirk  ''Or maybe Dick could show you the way, he knows it already after all''

Roland laughed to indicate a playful joke with no malice behind it and the others laughed too. Dick joined in laughing but he had seen the coldness and the darkness in Roland's eyes when he said it. His voice sounded playful, his face looked cheerful but his eyes said ''I still remember what you did boy, don't think I've forgotten and I still don't like it''

''Well that was all George's idea really you know uncle Roly'' Dick said with a big smile on his face ''She wanted to go but I was not really very happy about it but I went with her anyway I am so sorry. She filled my head with a lot of stupid nonsense and I tried to talk her out of it but she never listens to me''

''Well she never listens to anyone does she'' Fanny said with a sigh

On Friday night Roland left ahead of the others and on Saturday morning they all got up early to get ready to go to the mansion when Fanny opened the front door to get the milk she got a surprise when a somewhat scruffy, dirty dog was sitting on the doorstep and jumped up wagging his tail. The dog was Timmy.

''TIMMY! OH WELCOME HOME TIMMY'' Anne exclaimed when she saw Timmy. She threw her arms around him and gave him a huge hug, he licked her face ''Oh where have you been you, silly boy? We were all so worried about you. George will be so happy when she sees you I hope she comes home soon to see you!''  

Julian and Dick were happy to see Timmy too ''welcome home boy'' Julian said and gave him a pat on the head

''I wonder what happened to Timmy's collar then?'' Dick said ''And look how dirty he is. Someone must have taken his collar and he must have been somewhere far from here to get like this''

''Maybe someone stole him and took him away and then he escaped and found his way home'' Anne said ''Dogs are way smarter than anyone gives them credit for. I read a story on Facebook only last week, a woman was reunited with her dog after he was missing for over 3 years. Everyone thought the dog had died, she even moved house, and the dog tracked her down to the new house. They have this like special homing instinct, they can find their way back to their owner''

''Sounds a bit far-fetched to me'' Fanny said doubtfully ''however there is no doubt Timmy is a smart dog and he found his way home. He probably wasn't far away anyway though. He is an intelligent dog but let's not try to make him more intelligent than he really is''

Timmy barked angrily as if to tell Fanny she was wrong and had insulted him

''We'd best make a move now'' Fanny said at last ''we need to make our way to the mansion''

''Can Timmy come too?'' Anne asked ''I haven't seen him for so long and I missed him, I want to spend more time together today''

''Anne love please, you know Roland doesn't like him, we can't take him with us. He'll have to stay here I'm sorry''

''Can't we take him and leave him in the car when we get there?'' Julian suggested ''Timmy loves going for drives in the car and he sits and behaves himself if he is left. Surely Roland won't mind him coming as long as he stays in the car and doesn't go into the mansion?''

''That sounds like a splendid idea!'' Anne beamed with joy ''You are so smart, Julian. Shall we do this mum? Shall we take Timmy with us and leave him in the car? I know uncle Roly won't mind''

Fanny still wasn't sure. She knew Roland didn't like the dog and she didn't want to upset him ''Hmm, ok'' she said at last, reluctantly ''I suppose he can come as long as he stays in the car and doesn't annoy Roland''

The children were happy and so was Timmy. But one thing was bothering Timmy a lot, where was his Master, George? He was happy to see the others but he wanted to see George the most and he wasn't there?   

1. GEORGE HAS A PERFECTLY WRETCHED TIMEWhere stories live. Discover now