Lie Detector (Anwar Jibawi)

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Loud-Casa Group Chat: The Lie Detector (Anwar Jibawi)

Featuring: Lincoln, Clyde, and Rusty

Audience: Older Loud Sisters, Lucy, Liam, Zach, Ronnie, Sid, Chloe, Stella, Jordan, Paige

World: Loud-Verse Earth-LCGC1 (Loud-Casa Groupchat Prime)

AN: I lost motivation to write because of this Quarantine. My mental illness is once again attacking so if this chapter comes half-arsed, I apologize. I just simply couldn't take this kind of governance anymore. Neighborhood living in fear and the government screwed up in spreading the vaccine to the public. Not only that but putting too much fear had ruined business and education (the whole economy). I know many people lost their job (me too) from this freaking pandemic and I'm doing what I can to entertain. Heck even writers declined due to this situation. I just wish it gets easy or at least, have the fortitude to continue from this hardship. So here's another meme to read for everyone. Music Parody will come next, soon. Without further ado, leave a like, review/request, follow and I hope you enjoy. God Bless, Stay Safe and Peace/Shalom!

Please Read AN below.

-Begin Conversation-

[AN: From now on, Lynn Jr will be called LJ for short while Lynn Sr. Will be Lynn or Loud Dad or Lynn Sr for difference and simplicity sake. Thank you very much for understanding. On with the conversation meme.]

LJ: Guys! Let's play a game.

Luna: Hopefully it's not anything stupid or something you'll go crazy about.

Lori: What game do you have in mind?

LJ: Uh, I dunno.

Rusty: Hey can we play twister?

Clyde: I'm not playing twister with you, bro.

Lincoln: Chill with this twister bro, how old are you?

Rusty: Old enough

LJ: What are you waiting for? Let's play that game!

Luna: Linky and Clyde doesn't want to play that game, bruh!

Sid: I want some ramyung (Korean Ramen).

Ronnie: Lincoln had his fair share of noodles that he sent here. You want me to cook?

Sid: Sure! Thanks.

Clyde: Well I have this online app (Sends the app to others)

Rusty: What is that?

LJ: How about monopoly?

Luan: Not a great idea. You'll just steal the bills and make us underpaid! Geddit.

Leni: Last time we played, Lynn said I went bankrupt so I have to check my piggy bank is I lost my savings.

Jordan: Luckily you haven't, right?

Leni: Yeah.

Clyde: Secrets can't hide from the lie detector.

Lincoln: I'm down!

LJ: Are you really gonna reveal secrets like that?

Lucy: I like where this is going.

Liam: This is gonna blow.

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