Last Friday Night (Katy Perry)

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Lyric Prank: TGIF/Last Friday Night (Katy Perry)

Pranksters: Ronnie, Stella, (Girl) Jordan, Paige, Sid, Penelope, Chloe, Giggles, Tabby, Polly, Haiku

Audience: Lincoln, Clyde, Rusty, Zach, Liam

World: Loud-Verse Earth-LCGC1 (Loud-Casa Groupchat Prime)

AN: This is another Boys vs. Girls lyric prank and this time, it's the girls that are pranking the boys as revenge for the whole "Grenade" chapter. It's only fair that the girls get a turn. I was planning on using Lori, Leni, Luna and Luan, but they didn't suffer the Boys prank. And knowing Lori, she could never dare to prank Bobby due to being lovey-dovey and sensitive about their relationship. So I'm using this song from Katy Perry. Fair warning, some words will be toned down to keep this Rated-T. Meaning there will be limits to swearing and terms that are "R18/M". Without further ado, leave a like, review/request, follow and I hope you enjoy. God Bless, Stay Safe and Peace/Shalom!

-Begin Conversation: Private Chat, Girls Only-

Ronnie: Anyone up for revenge on the boys!?

Stella: I'm in but we better apologize if they get upset.

Jordan: I'm down.

Haiku: Time for them to get righteous judgement for deceiving us.

Penelope: I don't think it's a good idea.

Chloe: I admit, Clyde shocked me from that prank but hopefully we won't go too far.

Polly: Oh, I'm in. Rustman needed to be taught a lesson from that prank.

Giggles: It's a harmless payback. Hopefully they'll learn.

Tabby: What's the song?

Paige: Last Friday Night!

Sid: Um, fair warning. We don't want to go overboard, Ronnie. Because some terms are for... you know.

Ronnie: I know. But we'll tone it down. Everybody ready? All: "Yup", "Let's go", "Ready!" "The Loud-Casa Group Chat-

[For the sake of nicknames here are some of the (a) for the characters in case I don't place them: For The Boys: Lincoln (a)WhiteRabbit12, Clyde (a)NoseBleeder1, Rusty (a)RustyL0pezSpokes, Liam (a)EpicF4RMB0Y, Zach (a)Zacharia5ALIEN. For the Girls: Ronnie (a)SK8ERRA, Stella (a)F1LCH1ST4R, Jordan (a)DodgeballQU33N, Paige (a)G4M3RGIRL, Sid (a)KPOPKwan5, Penelope (a)EG6M0M, Chloe (a)C00kies4Sale, Giggles (a)ClassCl0wn, Tabby (a)Songbird9, Polly (a)P4inNGain5, Haiku (a)G0thP0em9]

Sid: OMG!

Lincoln: Uh, girls? What happened? I was sending DMs and none of you replied!

Clyde: They did told us that they're having a girls night at Jordan's. How was it?

Liam: Something tells me that we're gonna be shocked.

Paige: Is it just me or...?

Ronnie: Nope.

Stella: Ditto

Jordan: You girls too?

Zach: Okay, what is happening?

Penelope: Can't believe we let that happen!

Clyde: Wdym by what happen?!

Chloe: Last night was so, not me.

Haiku: What possessed us to do such thing!?

Liam: I'm kinda getting scared.

Tabby: Oops. I think we went overboard.

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