Unknowingly Heard

Start from the beginning

      "This is serious!" the first voice growled with surprising shakiness. "I just - this is so, so important, and I-I need you to listen."

      There was a pause. Then, the male voice said, "I'm listening," with a much quieter and softer voice.

      The female took a deep, slightly shuddering breath.

      Then, quickly, uncertainly, as if she didn't know what she was saying: there was a rush of, "I don't want to do this anymore!"


      The female elaborated. "I can't keep doing it! I can't keep assassinating! I can't keep killing dragons that have done nothing to me! It's- it's driving me insane!"

      The voice was closer, and Kinkajou could hear the female's breath coming in uneven gasps, as if she was breaking composure.

      "Glory-" the male voice called unsure.

     Kinkajou heard the ruffle of unfolding wings, and saw a sheet of black scales smooth over ones painted lime green. The unhealthy breathing slowed a bit, and returned to it's normal state - if not a little quicker than usual.

     "Glory," the male voice said again, and Kinkajou was MEGA CERTAIN it was Deathbringer, "We aren't killing dragons anymore. I mean, it's not like we could anyways, since we're cut off from the NightWings."

     Then why are you in their territory? Kinkajou thought fiercely. Oh NO - they probably don't know it was taken over! They're in danger!

     I have to warn them!

     Kinkajou was staring at the bunch of colorful scales she could see from her perch and was about to slink towards them when she hesitated.

     They're having a private conversation. I shouldn't interrupt.

     Actually, I shouldn't even be here, practically SPYING on them! I should just go and leave them be.

     But then Kinkajou couldn't leave, because what if they got AMBUSHED by the BIG BAD NIGHTWINGS? Then she would need to have her EPIC MOMENT AS A SAVIOR, which she unfortunately missed out on in the battle.

     I'll just stay here, she thought uncomfortably. And just never mention this to ANYONE.

     Kinkajou wished she could cover her ears, but then she wouldn't know if a NightWing was coming. Their scales were black and it was night time, so she couldn't rely on sight; scents of ashes were tingling in her nose, bound to mask any other scent; and Kinkajou REALLY didn't want to have to rely on touch, because that meant the NightWing had already GOT HER. So she had to use her ears. Plus, she was pretty sure the NightWings were still getting used to the forest, and probably couldn't go anywhere in it without snapping a few twigs or ruffling a few leaves. So hearing was her best bet.

     Even though it was also the sense she was least comfortable using in this situation - actually, besides taste, because YUCK.

     Kinkajou has missed a few murmurs from Deathbringer whilst she was thinking. But she didn't miss Glory's "You don't understand, do you?"

     There was a pause. Then, "Well, then why don't you explain it to me?"

     "I'm dragging you down with me," Glory said quietly. "If I had never become an assassin, maybe you would have stopped killing...."

     "Glory, YOU stopped me from killing," Death reminded her. "YOU were the one who helped me find ways to get dragons out of the way through persuasion or means other than violence."

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