Prologue The Begining

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Walking down a brightly lit hall I see one of the angels of banishment heading my way. Normally, I would continue as if nothing were wrong. It's just that today I'm on edge. I just broke one of Heavens greatest rules. I don't want to be banished like lucifer was just a few eons ago, so I duck into a side hall on my right.

"That was close." I think to myself. "I'm glad I didn't get into range, he would have sensed that I had committed treason." That is one of the few powers Banishers have over other angels, if they have committed a crime in the last fourth-eight hours or have thought of a crime they have committed in the same amount of time a Banisher who gets within twenty feet of said angel will instantly get a brief description of the act and will man up to their title if the situation calls for it.

"Hello Vladimir. I didn't expect to see you in here." Says a voice less that thirty feet away.  I was so lost in my worried thought I didn't notice the very thing I was worrying about. 

"I was just taking a stroll that's all Zakeshki." I say to the Banisher. "I don't wish to bother you, so I'll be on my way."

"Actually Vladimir I was wondering if I could have a minute of your time. I still need to talk to you about your last mission to Earth and that day or so you disappeared. Come here please." Zakeshki issues an undeniable request to me, and being of lower rank I have to indulge him.

"Yes sir." I say begrudgingly. I walk forward and as I pass the oh so visible invisible line I see the gasp on Zakeshkis' face.

"Traitor, follow me to the council rooms.  You will be cursed and thrown out for this." He says as I walk behind him, knowing I can do nothing but accept my fate.

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