Life was truly mysterious.

Crying a bit more into Hisoka's upper chest, you weakly held onto his sides. Despite the excruciating pain you were in, it couldn't compare to the emotional pain you were feeling right now.

Every word - you meant it. Especially wishing you could love him for longer.

You weren't ready to leave the slightest. The thought of not being with Maleeka and Hisoka ripped your soul. Especially now that the three of you were together as a family. Just like you always wanted from day one.

"I'm s-sorry for everything Hisoka.."You whimpered through your tears. Clutching onto his body even tighter.

Frowning deeper, Hisoka inhaled sharply. "Stop.." He demanded with a raspy and unsteady voice. Trying his best to not allow his voice to give away that tears had fallen from those golden eyes.

"Stop saying sorry. You did nothing wrong Y/n.. I'm the one that has constantly hurt you. You tolerated a lot of pain I've inflicted on you.." Hisoka lowly replied back. Eyes still closed as he gingerly stroked your sweet smelling hair. Remembering all the times he hurt you.

"B-But I only now understand that behind every hurtful word and action was because y-you cared about me. So I'm sorry I d-doubted you." You murmured through your pained sniffles.

Watching Hisoka, Sabastein saw his tears finally drip down off his sharp jawline. To bring him to tears was something Sebastian would never thought would happen in a million years. Maybe feel depressed yes. But to reach this point...

When you got shot in the neck and was on the verge of dying, Hisoka was concerned and stressed. But seeing his reaction now, the tears for another deathly experience depicted how his feelings for you progressed over time.

"Y-You will look after Maleeka isn't?" He heard you whisper timidly to Hisoka.

If he knew Hisoka and his stubbornness, especially his issue with denial, he would tell you he won't because you will be around to do so. But surprisingly once again, he spoke uncharacteristically.

"I will." Indicating that he accepted you were going die.

"And you will protect her?" You asked, knowing how dangerous Hisoka life is and will always be.

"..With my life." He distantly whispered. Knowing how hard it'll be to raise and protect her as an inexperienced parent.

However, instead of thinking about that too deeply right now, Hisoka concentrated on your content smile that developed after his answer. Knowing she will be safe with her father.

He could feel your smile against his chest. And only god knows how badly he tried to imprint that smile onto his heart to remember it forever.

"And don't sleep around like you are 21 again." You amusingly whispered. But your voice was fading alongside side with your life span that was left.

Chuckling lightly through the tears that were drying up, "I reject that instruction. I stuck to one woman for so many years and look what happened. I got her pregnant and now she's leaving me forever. Old ways were the best." Hisoka replied with a bittersweet undertone.

This conversation was so you and Hisoka. The old you and Hisoka. No matter how bad the situation is, or how serious. The two of you always managed to banter playfully with each other to ease the morbidity of the situation. It displayed how well inclined the two of you were for each other.

Lightly giggling, you shifted your head to the side - snuggling perfectly underneath Hisoka's chin like how you first did that night at school playing poker with everyone.

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя