Joon reached out and pulled me into a one-armed hug, his voice eased in my ear.

"Why do you always look so sexy in everything you wear" his tone was deep and playful. I had no idea he even noted what I wore.

"What did I do to earn such compliments today?" I shot back playfully before putting some space between us.

"You don't have to do anything. You just being you is enough" He crinkled his nose cutely before encircling an arm around and nudging at the small of my back. He steers me over to the booth he was sitting at. The two guys at the table perked up at me.

"This is Hyo-Won, a.k.a Pdogg" the blonde gave a short wave. "And that's Dong-Hyuk, a.k.a Supreme Boi" Joon gestured to the black-haired guy beside him who gave a casual what's uppp as he nods my way.

"Ah, not much. Nice to meet you" I answered before Joon led me into the booth and slid in close beside me. "Hold on, you look familiar... Have we met before?" The blonde leaned forward as he inspected me closer.

"Don't think so? Maybe saw each other in passing, it's not as big a city as it seems" I countered. "Yeah, possibly. Anyway, I was about to get a drink. What would you like?" Joon offered.

"Whatever you're having" I chimed. "Bottle of Chamisul" Pdogg called out, leaned back, he came across confident. Joon went over behind the bar and picked what he needed before coming back and putting down the shot glasses and the green bottle on the table with a faint thud.

The four of us began getting stuck into the bottle. And what started as one turned into two then three then four. After some drunken chatting, I'd learnt that Pdogg and Supreme Boi were part of the same agency Joon and the others were signed to. The drinks had seemed to do their job in loosening up Joon. His arm was propped behind me lounging on the back of the seat. Even though he'd been this close to me before it still made my heart flutter. I was pulled from my hidden state of adoring him as I got the urge to pee so I excused myself from the table and went to find the bathroom.

I found it down the end of a dingy hallway, I quickly did what I needed to do then went back out but before I could make it back out of the narrow walkway I saw Hoseok moving toward me.

"Babe? What're you doing here?" He looked stunned as he halted in front of me. "Having drinks with Joon. What about you?" I replied.

"Uhh. Just stopped by for a bit. Don't tell me-" he paused. "Wha?" I was confused.

"No- Nevermind. How many have you had?" His stance emitted a certain dominance that I hadn't necessarily felt before. It made me feel like he was about to scold me for something.

"A few" I mumbled.

"The way your cheeks are burning tell a different story" his lip curved at the corner into a smirk. I kept quiet unsure of what to say.

"Come here" He took a step forward, I felt the wall against my back as I instinctively moved. He cupped my chin, his thump slowly ran over my bottom lip. "I miss these. Haven't stopped thinking about you". I quivered. What was he doing... Right here? Right now?

"Hoseok... I don't think nows a goo-" His lips pressed against mine, my words muffled. He had no interest, caution was tossed into the wind as he kissed me. I melt under him, just as I always do. My knees feel shaky, it's tough to breathe. Adrenaline rushed through me at the notion of getting caught.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?".

Had my anxieties manifested in that split second? Hoseok yanked away, looking down the hall to where the serious voice had come from. As I fixed my eyes on a confused Joon standing barely a metre away my stomach plummeted.

"Kissing". Hoseok answered plainly. Seeming unfazed. Just what had gotten into him?

"Can we talk for sec" Joon bit down his urge to lose his shit right there and then, I could just sense it. Hobi shrugged, stroked my head with a soft "I'll be back" then followed off behind Joon. I stood there feeling dumbstruck.

Fuck, is this bad? Maybe it's not as bad as I think. Then again, why did I get the impression shit was about to go down... there's no way they both were acting like that with each other over just this right? No way...

I took a deep breath and slowly went over to the table but it was now vacant. I sat down by myself and poured a shot and hastily drank it down. It eased my nerves a little but then I heard shouting over the music of the club. There was clatters of stuff breaking and shouts coming from behind the stage. A part of me felt guilty, partly responsible for this mess. I had to do something.

Fuck it.

I mustered up courage from god knows where got up and went over to the curtain and slipped behind it to the backstage area.

What I saw shattered that courage I'd built in a heartbeat. There was destroyed stuff everywhere, Joon and Hoseok were swinging at each other, it was a scene I'd seen play out before... One I'd suffered at home... It was too much to take. I close my eyes.

Fuck what is happening? I squeezed my eyes but the overwhelming panic of the situation hit me and I break into tears. They hadn't seemed to notice because I could still hear the sound of them fighting.

"What the fuck?! Hey! Cut this shit out!"

Another voice I recognized shot from behind me. It was Yoongi. It felt like a weight was crushing down on my chest and was making it hard for me to breathe, I needed to block it out. I kneeled and clutched my knees, the shouting got more distant. Had Yoongi stopped them? Was everything okay now?

"Jia. Are you alright?" The grit of Yoongi's low voice resided in my ear, it was calm. I felt him wrap his hand around my forearm and pull me to my feet.

"I'm sorry.. this is my fault isn't it?" I opened up my eyes, my vision was blurry but I could still see him. Yoongi pulled me into his arms and patted my back soothingly.

"It's okay. Calm down. It's not your fault" His hand caressed my head but it didn't do much to stifle my sobs.

"Shh, It's okay. Let me take you home". I tried to breathe and slowly settled down.

I felt numb as I sat on the back of his scooter. The wind hitting my face should have been cold but I felt nothing. It wasn't until we got back up to my apartment and I sat down on the couch that guilt began to drown me.

"Yoongi.. I fucked up..".

"What're you talking about?".

"They're fighting because of me... This whole time I've been fucking Hoseok... Joon saw us kissing... It's hard to explain" My thoughts scattered as I attempted to string them together to explain, it just wasn't working.

"You don't need to. I already have a pretty good idea of what's going on and it's not your fault".

"You know..?"

"Yeah don't ask how, I just know shit. Other issues have been building between those two. It isn't because you fucked Hobi so don't blame yourself for any of this" I wanted to believe him but, even if that was true it didn't fix anything. I felt a throb in my head.

"My head hurts".

"Want a massage?" Yoongi pats his lap, I gradually laid my head down on his thigh and closed my eyes. I felt him gather my hair and shift it to the side, a soft pressure at my temples followed. As he continued to massage the pain in my head faded. I gave in to the peace Yoongi radiated. I wanted to stay there, nice and safe forever.

Before They Were Bulletproof // OT7 BTS FF x OC ᵖʳᵒˡᵒᵍᵘᵉWhere stories live. Discover now