Ch. 20 Can You Say That Again?

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Your POV

2 Months Later

I had just come back from a short mission with my old team. Saffron had taken a mission that would require a minimum of three people, so she had asked Mason and I if we could join her. Summer had immediately encouraged me to go, as a way for me to spend some time with my old team. I ended up caving in and went with my two teammates on the mission. I had just arrived at Summer and I's house in Patch. I opened the door and said, "Summer! I'm home!" I heard her reply from upstairs and she said, "Awesome! You can tell me about it later! First, get up here!" Being both confused and concerned, I rushed upstairs and found Summer in the nursery with Pyrrha. I went in and said, "What is it?" She looked at me with a smile and a couple tears on her face and said, "I think Pyrrha just said her first word." I looked at Summer and said, "R-really?" She nodded and said, "I recorded her and got her to say it again." She grabbed her Scroll and pressed play on a video.

Summer's POV

A Few Minutes Ago

Since Y/N was still out on the mission with his teammates, I had been taking care of Pyrrha by myself. Right now, I was playing with her a little, but mainly I was just watching her. Suddenly I heard something come from her mouth that wasn't a random baby noise or a giggle. I quickly grabbed my Scroll and started recording Pyrrha. I looked at her and said, "Pyrrha, can you say that again?" She did and said her first words again. Then I heard the front door open and Y/N's voice say, "Summer! I'm home!"

Your POV

Back To The Present

I watched the video and my jaw dropped at what my baby girl's first words were. Pyrrha had looked at Summer and said, "Momma." I looked up from Summer's Scroll and said, "She called you Momma?" Summer nodded and said, "Yep. I kinda like it. I mean I've been taking care of her as if she's my own." I nodded and said, "So you're comfortable with Pyrrha calling you her mom?" She nodded and said, "Of course. Besides, we both agreed that we'd tell her when she's old enough, right?" I nodded and said, "Right." I went over to Pyrrha and picked her up, causing her to giggle and say, "Dadda!" I smiled as I felt a tear of joy go down my cheek and I held Pyrrha close to me. I looked at Summer and she was smiling just about the same way as me.

I know that this chapter was kinda short and kinda filler, but it was something that I had been wanting to do in this fanfic and felt like doing now. Nonetheless, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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