Ch. 5 The Wedding

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5 Months Later

Your POV

For our wedding, Angela and I had decided to invite all of our friends and teachers from Beacon since the two of us had very little family to invite. Angela didn't have any living family as her mother, who had raised Angela on her own from birth, had died in a Grimm attack that had happened 2 years ago. Luckily, I had been able to meet Angela's mother before that. As for me, my dad had passed away when I was only 3 years old, so I didn't have a lot of memories of him. The only living relative that I still had was my mom, who had been in a nursing home because she had suffered a major stroke about 2 months after I had left for Beacon, leaving her permanently paralyzed from the waist down. But she had insisted that I stay at Beacon to persue my dream of being a Huntsman. Before the wedding, I had called the nursing home and asked if my mom would be able to come to the wedding. They told me that she could but they'd have to send a nurse aid with her just in case. I completely understood that and then took Angela with me when I went to invite my mom to the wedding in person.

Today was the day of the wedding and I was a slight bit nervous, but my best man and teammate, Mason, had reassured me that I was just having wedding jitters and that I'd be fine. I was able to calm down and thanked him. Hopefully, my fiancée wasn't as nervous as I was.

Angela's POV

I was panicking so much! My wedding dress was missing. Where the hell is it? I thought to myself. I was 100% sure that I had in my suitcase when I left Y/N's apartment last week. But it's not in there! Suddenly, my door opened and Summer rushed in. She was holding another suitcase that was nearly identical to the one that I already had in my room. She set the suitcase on the bed, then walked over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders as she said, "It's okay, Angela. You can calm down now. I found this suitcase still in the trunk of Y/N's car. I looked inside of it and found your wedding dress in it. You must've packed it in its own suitcase and forgotten." I hugged her and said, "Thank you, Summer! You're a life saver! Thank you so much!" She smiled as I pulled out of the hug and she said, "No problem, Angela. Anything for the bride. Now I'll let you change into the dress and I'll see you when you walk down the aisle." Then she left and closed the door behind her.

Your POV

A few minutes after I had gotten to the alter, the music started and everyone else stood up. I then see my beautiful bride, Angela, walking down the aisle wearing a big white wedding gown. I think to myself, She looks more beautiful than ever. After we both said our vows, the minister said, "Do you, Y/N Nikos, take Angela Carmine to be your lawfully wedded wife, through sickness and in health, until death due you part?" I answered and said, "I do." The minister turned to Angela and said, "And do you, Angela Carmine, take Y/N Nikos to be your lawfully wedded husband, through sickness and in health, until death due you part?" She answered and also said, "I do." The minister turned to face everyone else and he said, "Now if anyone wishes to object to these two being joined together in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." Nobody said anything and after a moment, the minister said, "Alright then. By the power invested in me, by the Kingdom of Vale, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." I wrapped my arms around Angela's waist and kissed her on the lips with her kissing back.

Summer's POV

When the minister had asked if anyone wanted to object, there was a very small part of me that wanted me to object to the wedding, but I told myself that Y/N was marrying Angela because she made him happy. I smiled and clapped for them as they kissed.

Your POV

After the ceremony, everyone went to the reception and had fun. As the night was almost over, I saw that only my team and Team STRQ were the only ones that hadn't left yet. I looked at Angela and said, "I think that now would be the best time to tell them." She nodded as I stood up and said, "Hey, guys. I know that we've gotten to know each other a lot since we first met in our first year at Beacon. But since we got engaged, Angela and I have been talking and decided that we're going to move to Mistral after the honeymoon. But I would like to try and stay in contact with the rest of you guys if I can." They all nodded and one by one gave each of us their goodbyes. The last person that I got to was my best friend throughout all of Beacon, Summer Rose. I approached her and said, "Hey, Sum. Bring it in." She nearly tackled me with a hug as I hugged her back. She loosened the hug as she looked into my blue eyes and said, "I'm going to miss you so much, Y/N. You've been there for me so many times at Beacon, whether it was struggling on a subject or protecting me from the occasional bully. I really wish you weren't leaving." I looked into her amazing silver eyes, as one thought popped into the back of my mind briefly before disappearing, Her silver eyes are breathtakingly beautiful. But the thought faded away before I could even notice it.

3rd Person POV

That was something that had happened every so often whenever Summer and Y/N spent time together during their time at Beacon. But every time, the thought would disappear before Y/N could even acknowledge or even notice it was there.

Your POV

I smiled at her and said, "I'm going to miss you too, Summer. You've been my best friend since I first met you. But I'm sure that we'll see each other again sometime in the future." I saw a couple of tears form in her eyes and she said, "You really think so?" I nodded and said, "Absolutely." Then we both hugged once more before we pulled away.

The Next Day

Since Angela and I had already packed up the rest of our belongings in my old apartment and had them sent to our new place in Mistral, we took a Bullhead to Mistral, without having to worry about packing after the honeymoon. On the way there, I turned to Angela and said, "I can't believe we're finally married now. I love you so much, Angela Nikos." She smiled and said, "I love you too, Y/N Nikos." Then we shared a wonderful and passionate kiss.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if it seems kinda rushed, I just have more ideas for later in the book.
Master out.

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