Ch. 2 The Sparring Match

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Your POV

After a boring first day of classes, my team and I headed to the training room to start our sparring session. When we got there, I saw that there was another team that had just shown up as well, Team STRQ. Summer looked at me and said, "It's Y/N, right?" I nodded and she said, "What're you guys doing here?" I replied and said, "My team and I were going to do some sparring together. What're you doing here?" Summer replied, "We were going to do that too." The two of us realized that we had both come up with the same idea and I said, "Since both of our teams are here, would you mind if we sparred together?" Summer looked at her teammates, who just shrugged their shoulders in response. She turned back to me and said, "Sure, why not?" I smirked and said, "Then what are we waiting for?"

After about an hour or two of sparring, both of our teammates had left the training room, leaving Summer and I as the last 2 still there. I managed to use Tranquility in its sword form to disarm Summer before using Serenity to knock her down. Having won the match, I converted both of my weapons back into their pistol form and holstered them. I went over to Summer, held out my hand, and said, "That wasn't that bad, Summer. You held up pretty good against me. Not a lot of people have been able to do that. Great job." She smiled as she took my hand and I helped her up. As we began walking to our dorms, she looked at me and said, "Hey, Y/N?" I nodded and said, "Yes?" She then asked, "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime tomorrow? You know, as friends?" I smiled and said, "Maybe, it depends on how much homework we get. But if I can, then sure." She smiled as we arrived at our dorms and said, "Goodnight, Y/N." I nodded and replied, "Night, Summer." I went into my dorm and got ready for bed.

Summer's POV

As I entered my dorm, I saw that Tai was still awake. He looked at me and said, "Summer, be honest with me, do you have a crush on Y/N?" I sighed as I felt my face heat up and said, "N-no. W-why w-would you think that?" He gave me a "really" look and I said, "Okay, maybe I do. But please don't tell him. I'll tell him when I'm ready to." Tai smirked and said, "I won't tell anyone, you have my word." I nodded and got myself ready for bed.

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Y/N using his Semblance to read a book without using his hands)

Before The 2nd Year At Beacon

Your POV (Age 18)

Angela and I were walking through Vale together. The new school year was starting next week, so we were gathering supplies and Dust for the upcoming year. As we were leaving a newly opened Dust shop called From Dust Till Dawn, I asked her, "Hey, Angie, you hungry?" She nodded and said, "I could eat." I smiled and we went to a nearby restaurant and got something to eat. As we were eating, Angela suddenly said, "Hey, Y/N, there's something that's been on my mind all summer and I finally think I'm ready to tell you." I nodded slowly and raised an eyebrow before she continued and said, "Y/N, I think that I've developed feelings for you." I smiled and said, "I see, so do you want to go out with me?" She nodded and I said, "Great, now I just want to do one thing." She looked at me confused and said, "What's th─mmhm." I interrupted her with a kiss on the lips, which she almost immediately melted into. We pulled out of the kiss and I said, "I love you, Angie." She smiled and said, "I love you too, Y/N."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. These Beacon chapters might be a bit weird and/or confusing at times, but please just stick with them. There won't be a lot of them.
Master out.

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