Ch. 14 Feelings

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Your POV

When Summer kissed me, I froze for a moment before I melted into it and kissed her back as I wrapped my arms around her waist. As we were kissing, I noticed that there was something about this kiss that felt different. On one hand, it was similar to whenever Angela and I had kissed. But on the other, it was much different than it was with Angela, but in a good way. For some reason, it felt better.

When we finally pulled away from the kiss, I looked into Summer's mesmerizing silver eyes and said, "Summer? I didn't know that you felt that way towards me." She blushed slightly as she smiled and said, "Heh. To be honest, I may have had a slight crush on you back at Beacon." I looked at her slightly shocked and said, "I never noticed that. Why didn't you ever say anything?" She sighed as she rested her head against my chest and replied, "I was going to, but then I saw you and Angela kissing in the workout room." I nodded and said, "Is that what you had wanted to tell me back then? You were going to confess?" She nodded and said, "Yeah, but I decided that as long as you were happy, I'd be happy for you." I hugged her and said, "Thinking back, I think that I might have had some feelings for you back then. But since I was dating Angela at the time, I don't think I ever realized that I had those feelings. But now, all of those feelings have resurfaced and revealed themselves." She hugged me back and said, "I know that I'll never be exactly like Angela nor do I want to replace her, but would you like to go out with me?" I smiled and said, "Yes. And you're right, you'll never be exactly like Angela. But that's because you're not Angela. And you won't be replacing her. There will always be a place in my heart for her, but I'm sure that I can have a place for you as well. Trust me." Summer smiled and said, "I just wish that I could know if she'd be okay with me being in a loving relationship with you." I smirked and chuckled lightly. Summer looked up at me confused and said, "What? What's so funny?" I replied and said, "Hang on a sec, let me go get something."

Summer's POV

Y/N went upstairs and I thought to myself, I wonder what he's getting. I still can't believe my first kiss was with my crush. It felt so wonderful and perfect. I smiled and saw Y/N come back downstairs with a piece of paper in his hand. He handed it to me and said, "This was in the safety deposit box." I read it and gasped. It was a letter from Angela that basically was her telling him that she was sorry and encouraging him to find someone who cared about him as much as she did. I looked at Y/N and said, "Are you sure that you want to be with me?" He nodded and said, "Yes. Why? Are you having second thoughts?" I shook my head and replied, "No, it's just that this is my first relationship with anyone. That was my first kiss." He looked at me shocked and said, "You mean that you never stop having feelings for me, to the point that you were willing to wait for me, no matter how long it took?" I nodded and said, "I'd have waited forever if it took that long." He pulled me in and we shared another wonderful and passionate kiss together. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist. When we pulled away for air, I looked up into his sparkling blue eyes and said, "I love you, Y/N." He smiled and replied, "I think I love you too, Summer."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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