Ch. 3 The Unfortunate Sight

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Summer's POV

I had noticed that ever since we got back from summer break last week, it seemed like Angela and Y/N were closer somehow. Then again, I remembered that Angela had decided to stay in Vale during break and Y/N offered to let her stay in the spare room of his apartment. Maybe they just got closer as teammates and friends, I thought. I had spent the majority of my break trying to build up the confidence to ask out Y/N. After classes were finished for the day, I asked Mason and Saffron if they knew where Y/N was going to be after dinner. They told me that he was going to be sparring with Angela after they ate. I thanked them and continued on my way to my dorm to do my homework.

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Qrow dancing)

After I had finished my homework and ate a kinda late dinner, I headed to the training room to wait for Y/N and Angela to finish sparring. I glanced inside to see Y/N sparring without a shirt on, which caused me to blush slightly. I watched the two of them clash blades a few more times before Y/N said, "I think that's enough for tonight, Angie." She nodded and approached him. I stood there in shock as I watched the two of them kiss each other passionately. I turned and headed back to my dorm as I felt a tear go down my cheek. I wiped it away as I sighed and thought to myself, I'll leave their relationship alone. He looked so happy with her. I managed to stop crying as I reached my dorm. I went inside and over to my bed.

Taiyang's POV

I was almost finished with my homework, when I saw Summer enter the dorm room and immediately flopped onto her bed face first. I raised an eyebrow at her and asked, "Something wrong, Summer?" I heard her let out a sigh as she lifted her head and replied, "It's nothing." Then she put her face back into her pillow. I frowned and gave her a skeptical look. Maybe something happened between her and Y/N? I thought. I'll talk to him tomorrow. Then I finished my homework and went to bed.

The Next Day

After one of the classes that I had with Y/N, I caught up to him and said, "Hey, Y/N. How are you?" He turned to me and said, "Hey, Tai. I'm doing wonderful. I'd love to talk some more, but I need to think of a few places that I could take my girlfriend tonight for our date." I raised an eyebrow and said, "Did she give you any ideas?" He shook his head and replied, "No, Angie just said to surprise her. She wanted me to take her somewhere that I know is good." I nodded and said, "Well, good luck." He nodded and left. Angie? I thought to myself. I didn't realize that he and Angela were dating. But in hindsight, I should've known especially since they've been a lot closer since we got back from summer break. Summer must've found out and that's why she acted like she did last night.

Later that day, we were sitting together eating lunch when Qrow started teasing Summer and said, "Hey, Summer. There's Team NAAD. Let's invite them over to our table." Raven joined in and said, "Yeah, that way you can sit next to your crush." I went wide-eyed and started gesturing for them to stop. Unfortunately they didn't catch on and Qrow said, "Hey, Y/N! How about you and your team seat with us?" Y/N replied back, "Sure, we'll get our food and join you guys." Then Summer got up and left the cafeteria without another word. Raven and Qrow looked at me as I facepalmed and said, "Guys, yesterday Summer found out that Y/N and Angela are dating now." They both nodded slowly and Qrow said, "Oh. That's why she was so quiet during Combat class earlier today." I sighed and saw Y/N and his teammates sat down next to us. Then Y/N said, "Hey, guys. Where's Summer? She said that she wanted to tell me something yesterday after dinner, but never showed up. Is she alright?" Raven replied and said, "She's fine, I think it's just her time of the month." Y/N nodded and said, "Oh, okay." Then Angela said, "So Y/N, have you decided on where you're taking me tonight?" He smiled and said, "Yep, but it's a surprise."

3rd Person POV

1 Week Later

Summer eventually decided to stop avoiding her crush despite the fact that he was dating someone else. She decided that as long as Y/N was happy, she'd be happy for him.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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