Ch. 12 The Hard Truth

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Your POV

Later That Evening

The sun had just set by the time I finally got back to Summer's house. I knocked on the door and she answered it. When she saw it was me, she let me inside and said, "Y/N, do you want to talk about what you found? Or are you not ready to yet?" I let out a sigh and answered, "I'm not ready to talk about it yet." She nodded and said, "I'll respect that. By the way, Qrow stopped by my house the other day. He asked if he'd be able to catch up with you and Angela. I'd be surprised if he hasn't already told Tai and Raven." I nodded and said, "Invite all of them over tomorrow, invite Mason and Saffron as well. I think it's best if they're all here at the same time when I explain what truly happened." Summer nodded and said, "Okay. I'll do that. Oh, and I've already put Pyrrha to bed. And there's still some food from dinner left over if you're hungry." I nodded and said, "That'd be nice." She gave me a quick nod before going into the kitchen to warm up some food for me. After I ate, I said, "Thanks, Summer. Thank you for doing all of this for me, it's been very helpful. It means a lot." She smiled and said, "Don't mention it. You did so much for me back at Beacon. It's the least I could do, and besides I'm more than happy to help." I smiled slightly before I yawned and said, "I'm tired, so I'm going to head to bed. Goodnight, Summer." She nodded and said, "Goodnight, Y/N." I went upstairs to my room and saw that Pyrrha was in her crib, sleeping peacefully while wearing her onesie pajamas. I smiled a slight bit at the sight and pulled the red box out from my inside jacket pocket. I opened the bedroom closet and placed the box on the very top shelf, knowing that it was somewhere that was out of reach and somewhat out of sight. I sighed before I closed the closet and changed into my usual sleepwear, which consisted of nothing but my boxers and a pair of gym shorts. I looked at my daughter one more time and saw that she was still peacefully sleeping in her crib. Then I laid down and went to sleep.

Summer's POV

After Y/N went upstairs, I grabbed my Scroll and sent a message to all of my teammates along with Mason and Saffron.

I told Mason that he could bring his daughter with him and I told Raven and Tai that they could bring Yang with them as well

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I told Mason that he could bring his daughter with him and I told Raven and Tai that they could bring Yang with them as well. Then I went to bed.

Your POV

The Next Day

I had told Summer that I'd wait in the bedroom with Pyrrha until everyone was here. Around 11:30am, there was a knock on the door and I opened it to see Summer standing there. She placed a hand on my shoulder and said, "Everyone's here, Y/N. Are you sure that you still want to do this?" I sighed and said, "They all deserve to know." She gave me an encouraging smile and I followed her downstairs to the living room. When I got there, I saw the rest of my teammates along with the rest of Team STRQ. I saw that Mason had a 1 year old girl, who was holding his leg, that looked like him. I also saw that Raven was holding an infant that looked kinda like her but with yellow hair. When I entered the room, they all looked at me and I said, "Hey guys. I know that it's been far too long since I spoke with any of you. But I think now is a better time than never." Mason looked at me and said, "Y/N, who's the little girl in your arms?" Then Saffron asked, "And where's Angela?" I took a deep breath and said, "This little bundle of joy is Angela and I's daughter, Pyrrha. She's about 8 months old. As for Angela..." I trailed off as I had to force myself not to cry. I then felt a hand on my shoulder and saw that it was Summer's. She gave me a reassuring look and I said, "Angela's gone." They all looked at me both shocked and confused. Then Raven said, "What do you mean exactly?"

I sighed and said, "She died giving birth. I had been on my own trying to take care of my baby since. That is, until last week when I ran into Summer in downtown Vale. She allowed me to move in with her and she told me that she'd help me with Pyrrha." Everyone was silent until Qrow finally broke the silence and asked, "If you don't mind me asking, what were you doing in Vale anyway?" I sighed again and replied, "After Angela died giving birth to Pyrrha, I did my best to try and take care of my newborn daughter. About 6 months ago, I ended up moving back to Vale because my mother's condition had been getting worse. My mom ended up passing away about a month later." They all nodded as I continued and said, "Before I ran into Summer, I had been staying at my old apartment that I used to live in during our years at Beacon." Then Mason said, "Why didn't you tell any of us? We're your teammates, your friends." I looked down and replied, "Since Angela and I ended up getting so much out of the loop about what was going on with you all that I didn't bother." Raven then said, "Well, we're all here now. So why don't we catch you up with what's been going on with us?" I looked up and said, "R-really? You guys aren't mad?" Saffron replied, "Of course not. You went through a lot." Tai continued, "You lost two important people in your life, and had to raise a newborn baby at the same time. We understand that you had too much to deal with all at once." Then Summer said, "Besides, now you have us to help you. It's better that we did this now, than not at all." I nodded and said, "Thanks, guys." They all hugged me in a comforting group hug.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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