You almost die part 2: You wake up in your room on your bed with a bandage around your stomach. You hear banging in the kitchen and grab your gun and head down. You lean against the wall and point your gun into the kitchen to see Lucifer standing over the oven.
He jumps and turns around. He smiles and pulls you into a hug.
"You scared me."
"How long was I out?"
"Hmmm about two days."
You nods and kiss him. You pull apart and hug him.
"Thank you for saving me."
"Anything for you princess."

Your nickname: Princess, Bunny

Your texts: 'Hey bunny I'll be coming over soon. ;)'

You sneak out part 1 (D.D Series):
You were bored and you couldn't leave your room. You decide to visits he Winchesters for a little while.
"Hey guys!"
They jump and turn to you.
"Dammit (Y/n) don't to that!" Dean says
You roll your eyes and walk over to them.
"What are you doing?"
You nod and take a seat.

You sneak out part 2 (D.D Series): You were taking with Sam when your laying on your back in hell.
"So where were you?"
You sit up to see your dad.
"Uhh with friends."
He nods and sends you to your room.
"Don't come out unless I say so!"
You sigh and flop on your bed and pull out your phone and text Sam.

His reaction to your death: He was pissed! If anyone would even look at him he'd kill them

His reaction to you coming back as a demon: He was surprised but happy that you were a demon now

Your Disney couple: Shang and Mulan (I had no idea what to put)

Your prince saves you( Disney style)
You had been taken by a evil witch that was trying to put a potion to make you forget who you were. Right know you were tied up in the corner
"Hehe it's almost sweetie."
You had been crying because you were scared and didn't want to forget.
"Please let me go."
She just smiles and goes back to her spell.
*Lucifer's POV*
As soon as I found out (Y/n) was taken I started out for her. I brought my brother Michael with me and we where ready to fight this witch. We get to her cottage and head in.
"Hello dearies!"
She shoot some light at us and Michael runs over to her.
I turn to the sound of her voice and see her tied up in the corner.
I run over to her and untie her. She hug me and we hear a shriek.
"Thanks for the help!!"
We laugh and head out but not before I kissed her.

Your secret date (D.D Series):
You and (B/n) were at a movie but you dad didn't know. You were enjoying it until you heard someone talk to you.
"You know I love coming back finding out you've left."
Your eyes widen and you turn to your father.
"Daddy." You whisper
He smirks and snaps his fingers and your back in your room.
"Your grounded, the next time you I will and cuff you to Dean."
You took your eyes and flop on your bed.

He gets jealous: You where taking with Dean because you are really good friends. You didn't notice that Lucifer appeared behind you. You feel an arm wrap around your waist and jump.
You see Dean snicker before your in your room.
"Jealous much?"
"Shut up."
You laugh and he falls back on to the bed.

What you wear of his: His shirt, you wear it when you don't have any clothes because yours are dirty or because you just love it.

Your nickname for him: Luci or Lulu

Your name in his phone: My little Miracle <3

His make in your phone: My devil ;)

Your text to him: Be safe I love you see you soon :)

How you wake up: You wake up to him blowing on your neck or him jumping on the bed

He hits you: He had come home angry. You now how he gets when he's like this but you being you, you confronted him.
"Luci? Everything ok?"
"Leave me alone!"
You sigh and place a hand on his shoulder.
"You can tell me."
"I said just leave me alone!"
He gets up and slaps you. You look at him shocked and he looks from you to his hand.
You turn around and walk out.

He hits you part 2: You had went to your friend house and at the moment they were out. You hear someone behind you and you don't turn around.
"(Y/n) please-."
"I'm sorry!!"
You turn and look at him.
"You hit me, you hurt me!"
"I know it will never happen again! Please give me another chance."
You sigh and walk over to him.
"One, don't mess up."
"I won't."
He pulls you into a hug.

Your pregnant: You had been feeling sick for a few weeks and you were well afraid. You get a pregnancy test and use it and know your waiting for the results. You waited and when it was time you looked at it and passes out. You wake up with Lucifer looking at you worriedly.
"What is it?"
"I found you passed out in the bathroom."
You go pale and look at him.
"Don't be mad."
"Why would I be mad?"
You take a deep breath and look at him.
"I'm pregnant!"
He sits there frozen until he scoops you up spinning you around.
"We're going to be parents!!"

He scares you: You were afraid of being left alone. You were always with someone because if what happened on a previous hunt. You were with Lucifer and he just left.
You start to hear banking from up stairs and freak out. Lucifer comes down laughing and you glare at him and walk out.

Your on your period: It depends on your mood. Either your happy or your mad but he is always with you.

You scare him: You had bought a fake knife and fake blood and glue stuff from the store. You cut the knife and put it over your heart with the glue stuff and put the fake blood on you and around you and laid down waiting. You hear whooshing sound and hear Lucifer.
"Baby? On my- (Y/n)!!"
He kneels beside you.
He screams and you laugh.
"Don't ever scare me again."

Your first time: He took it slow but then went a little faster once you were comfortable

Your on your period (D.D Series): You were cranky and didn't want to be messed with. You were laying on your bed reading when your book went up in flames.
"Son of a bitch!!"
You see your dad laughing in the door way and growl.
"Uhh I'll get you a new book you just stay right there." He says putting his hands out in front of him
He runs off and you laugh and pull out another copy of the same book.

You confuse him: He was sitting on the couch and you jump next to him sitting down. You sit there just staring at him.
You don't say anything and just keep staring at him.
He blinks and you jump up.
"Haha your dead! Weeping angel me one Luci Zero!!"
You run off and he just sits there confused.

Hormones (Pregnant Series): Your sitting on the floor watching tv when Lucifer wraps his arms around you from behind you.
"Hey gorgeous."
He kisses your neck and you push him away.
"Your being annoying."
He pouts and sits next to you.
"What's wrong?"
"My emotions are everywhere! That's what's wrong!"
He looks at you and you start crying.
"I'm sorry!"
"Shh it's ok."
He rubs you back and you sit together and watch tv.

You break up: You were mad, another date he missed! You walk home hand slam the door.
"(Y/n)!! Where have you been?"
You glare at him and throw your shoe at him he dodges it and looks at you shocked.
"Where was I?! I was at "our" date which you forgot again!!"
He sighs and walk over to you.
"I'm so sorry I prom-"
"No I'm done!"
He looks hurt and you grab your shoe and walk out.

Your kids (Pregnant Series): You had a little boy and named him Micheal Gabriel (L/n)

He proposes: You where eating dinner when you bit down on something hard. You pull it out of your mouth and see that it's a ring.
"Will you marry me?"
You look over to see Lucifer down on one knee. You shake your head and tackle him into a hug.
"Yes oh god yes!"
He laughs and takes the ring and puts it on. He kisses you and you look at him.
"I could have chokes on that."
He makes a face and nods
You laugh and kiss him again.

Who your dating (D.D Series) Your dating Crowley. He doesn't really like the idea but if your happy he's ok with it.

Valentine's Day: He took you to a candle light dinner and you cuddled on the couch.
Yes I'm finally done!! Now onto Gabriel.
~Jay <3

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