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6 years later

Alexei: "when is mommy getting home"

Nat: "very soon she's at work. But she will be back home soon"

Alexei: "can we go see aunty Wanda and aunty carol today?"

Nat: "That sounds like a wonderful idea. I'll tell mommy when she gets home. Come on let's go draw while we wait for her"

They walk to the living room

With Avery

F.R.I.D.A.Y: "target located agent Romanoff"

Avery: "got it, thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y"

she approaches the target who was being pushed into the back of a van by 2 enemy agents

Avery: "got room for one more?" 

The agents turn around 

Avery kicks one of them on the chest, into the van. the second agent starts to fight avery. they throw punches at her but miss. Avery kicks the agent and he falls to the floor. the first agent from the floor. she turns to face the drunk target. 

target: "you are not getting the package. if you want it though, you have to go through me"

she tries leaning against the van door but falls to the floor 

Avery: "mhm are you sure about that" 

she grabs the woman and picks her up 

Avery: "no wonder everyone hates you and didn't want to come on this mission"

one of the agents from before gets up and takes out a knife. he tries stabbing avery with it. Avery pushes the target away and starts to fight the target again. she kicks him which causes him to fall to the floor and steps on his back. the other agent swings at avery. she pushes the target towards the wall and continues to fight. she kicks the second agent on the chest, leg, and back of the head. 


the first agent grabs avery from behind. avery gets out of his grip. he goes to punch avery but Avery ducks just in time. she punches him and then kicks him in the stomach. both agents start to fight her at the same time 

target: " you are going to die"

Avery gets punched in the face by one of the agents. she kicks two of the agents. one agent grabs her 

target: "little agent no more"

Avery: "you better shut that mouth of yours if not, i will kill you myself" 

she continues to fight. the agents for another few minutes. she kicks the first agent into the van. eh slowly gets up leaning on the open van door his head rested against the window. Avery uses all her strength and kicks the door sending the door full force against the agent's head knocking him out. Avery turns to the last agent and throws a widow disk at him, knocking him out. 

Avery: "I don't get paid enough for this shit"

she takes out her phone and messages headquarters to pick the two agents up and clean the area. after she finishes her mission

Avery: "Here is the package. Remind me to never do undercover missions that require me to go to clubs. All those men are a*sholes"

Tony: "let me guess. trying to hit on you"

Avery: "what else do you think? Literally, almost every guy I met at the club tried hitting on me. Anyways I'm going to head home. I'm exhausted" 

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