Ch 17

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Nat: "so what was this thing?"

Wanda: "while you were upstairs we discovered something"

She rips a piece of skin off

Nat: "is that metal?"

Carol: "yeah"

Tony walks in

Tony: "seems to be some sort of robot clone"

Nat: "kind of like the thing with bucky last week"

Carol: "how is that physically possible though?"

Tony: "No idea. Friday hack into the mainframe of this robot clone thing and find any information"

Carol: "how is she holding up?"

Nat: "tired, weak. Dizzy. Whatever they did really messed her up."

Wanda: "Does she remember what happened? Where they were keeping her?"

Nat: "she didn't tell me anything else. All i know is what you all know"

Tony: "got some information"

Nat: "what is it?"

Tony: "Looks like Sharon teamed up with this guy. Dr Radcliffe. She wanted information about some of us. Especially Wanda and steve."

Nat: "weird. why though?"

Wanda: "probably to make more super clones of powerful and strong avengers"

Carol: "but avery doesn't have powers"

Nat: "but she is one of the top assassins that graduated from the red room. She was also brainwashed for hydra at one point becoming the female winter soldier"

Wanda: "what?"

Nat: "yeah but that's not the point. The point is that she is one of the top assassins/spy to graduate from the red room. shes a lot better than me in fighting skills"

Tony: "meaning that she could get away with anything if they used the very clone. Friday also found out where the location of dr Radcliffe is"

Nat: "then we should go before he moves locations"

Carol: "that's the best option"

They hear a scream from upstairs

Nat: "that sounded like avery"

They all run upstairs

Nat: "Hey hey hey av. av its okay it's okay"

Avery was crying and breathing heavily.

Natasha hugs avery tightly

Nat: "what happened why did you scream"

Avery: "I i fell asleep and I had a nightmare. It was i"

Nat: "hey just breathe, just breathe. Tell me what happened"

Avery:" i had a dream that i was in the red room and that all the people i killed were around me walking towards me saying it was my fault and that i need to die and"

Nat: "hey hey it wasn't your fault you killed those people. You were brainwashed into doing that"

Avery: "That doesn't change anything and I killed those people whether I was controlling myself or not! i killed them!"

Nat: "don't do this to yourself avery. Especially right now"

Avery: "whatever that stupid girl and guy did to me is bringing back memories that took years for me to forget. YEARS NATALIA!"

Natasha turns to carol Wanda and tony. She motions to the door for them to leave

Nat: "av babe don't do this to yourself"

She wipes away Avery's tears

Avery: "I can't handle this... i-i just wish i was dead at times"

Nat: "avery dont say that"

Avery: "why it's not like anyone would miss me. I killed people for years. Years. No one would miss me"

Nat: "I would miss you and everyone on the team. Everyone loves you"

Avery: "you are just saying that"

Nat: "avery whatever they did to you is making you say this"

Avery: "no it isn't natalia"

She walks out

Nat: "Avery. Avery"

She rushes to the lab 

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