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A couple of hours later they return to the compound. They walk into the compound. Wanda and carol are waiting for them in the living room

Carol: "sooo how did it go?"

Wanda: "yeah tell us"

Nat: "well... You both are looking at my new fiancée"

Wanda: "oh my god!"

Carol: "congrats you two"

Avery: "thanks"

Natasha kisses Avery

Wanda: "so cute"

Natasha wraps her arms around Avery's waist and kisses Avery's cheek

Wanda: "really really cute"

They all laugh

Carol: "if you both need help with anything we are here"

Nat: "thanks we probably will knowing us"

They all laugh again

Avery: "We are going to head to bed. We are pretty tired"

Wanda: "good night"

Avery and Natasha walk up to their room. They lay in bed thinking about what happened earlier that night. As they are talking, Natasha kisses Avery

Avery: "what was that for?"

A big smile forms on her face

Nat: "what I can't kiss my now fiancée"

They both laugh

Avery: "I love you, Talia"

Nat: "I love you too av"

They lay in bed and talk for a bit

Avery: "so what is this about?"

Nat: "what?"

Avery: "this"

Avery runs her hand along the tattoos on Natasha's inner right arm

Nat: "oh that"

Avery: "why did you get my name tattooed on your arm and that drawing I drew on a napkin a couple of years back"

Nat: "I wanted to do something special because I didn't know when I would get you back"

Avery: "Quite bold of you. Usually, the name of your lover is the worst kind of tattoo to get"

Nat: "yeah well we are soulmates so I think I'm good"

They both laugh

Nat: "night av"

Avery: "night Talia"

A month later

Tony is having a party later on in the evening so carol Wanda Natasha and avery are all picking out their outfits

Avery: "Hey, what do you think? Red dress or black dress for tonight?"

Nat: "oh i don't know you'll look beautiful in whatever you decide"

Avery: "ugh nat" 

she sighs 

Avery:  "well thank you but I'm actually having a hard time deciding so I was hoping you could pick"

Nat: "either way you are going to be the prettiest one at the party babe. I love you so so much"

Avery: "Okay no. I love you too. I know you think I'm beautiful and this isn't a test i just. Which dress would you prefer to see me in tonight at tony's party"

Nat: "I prefer you just the way you are"

Avery: "oh my god enough with this sh*t. HEY CAROL, WANDA RED DRESS OR BLACK"

Wanda: "black"

Carol: "the red makes you look like a b*tch"

Avery: "THANK YOU"

Wanda and carol: "no problem"

Nat: "what the f*ck. do you know I'm not going to even ask"

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