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As Natasha is gone

Avery lifts up her shirt and looks at the number 70 burned on her skin. She traces the 70 with her fingers.

Aver: "god i hate this so much... why can't this just go away or the stupid red room never existed"

Natasha walks back up

Nat: " here is your water"

She sits back down on the bed

Nat: "what is on your mind?"

Avery: "nothing"

Nat: "Are you sure?"

Avery: "everything is fine Natalia"

Nat: "if you ever need to talk av, I'm here"

Avery: "thanks Talia"

Nat: "av about earlier sorry for kissing you. I didn't know what to do during that point of the mission"

Avery: "it's fine"

(Avery whispers)

Avery: "I actually enjoyed it"

Nat: "what"

Avery: "nothing"

Nat: "what did you say?"

Avery: "nothing i said nothing"

Natasha kisses Avery

Nat: "and I enjoyed it too"

Avery blushes

Nat: "the whole thing about you being my soulmate has grown on me these past couple of days"

Avery: "has it now... you've gone soft Talia"

Nat: "so have you"

They both laugh.

The following day.

Carol: "so it seems you both have made up is that true or are you just making it look like that"

Avery: "no we did make up"

Nat: "mostly"

Carol: "well it's honestly nice seeing you both get along really really well"

Natasha and Avery smile

Carol: "wait how did you make up so fast?"

Avery: "a couple of days ago we talked about the whole issue with the red room from years ago and that helped"

Nat: "it wasn't easy but it helped a lot"

Carol;" well good for you both. So now you both accepted your each other's soulmates"

They nod

Carol: "well I'm happy for you both. Have you told the others yet"

Nat: "we will soon"

A few months later

Nat: "has anyone seen avery i can't find her"

Carol: "have you checked your room?"

Nat: "that's where I just came from"

Wanda: "maybe the training room. She usually likes training at this hour"

Nat: "okay then"

She walks to the training room but Avery is nowhere to be found

Nat: "av where are you... av... hmmm"

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