Ch 15

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30 minutes later

Sharon: "i found another one"

Radcliffe: "great i'll have Aida hook her up to look through her memories"

30 minutes later

Sharon: "so what did you find out about her?"

Radcliffe: "Let me see... she is from Russia. Grew up in a thing called the red room. What is that?"

Sharon: "I've heard about it before. It was a training room where they used to bring in little girls and make them into the world's deadliest and most elite assassins."

Radcliffe: "so that's why she beat you while you both were fighting until you used the icer"

Sharon: "What no. i beat her but i used the icer as a safety precaution"

Radcliffe: "there are bruises and scratches all over you and also this security footage says different"

Sharon: "shut it, Radcliffe"

Radcliffe: "Okay okay. anyways. She was brainwashed before and was one of the best students in the red room along with Natasha Romanoff. She works with the avengers and is dating black widow"

Sharon: "sh*t you better get those memories right if not we are screwed"

Radcliffe: "I know. Soldier 17'

The clone of bucky walks over

Radcliffe: "put her in the machine"

Sharon: "How did you even get that clone to work but for her you need to have her?"

Radcliffe: "he is the only successful one because we had his DNA from hydra. That's why"

Sharon: "Well hurry up and hook her up to whatever machine it is. Then send the clone to the compound. they will get suspicious if she is gone for long"

A couple of hours later

The clone of Avery is sent to the compound

nat: "oh my god"

She hugs "avery"

Nat: "babe where were you i was so worried"

"Avery": "I had an emergency come up"

Nat: "what was it?"

"Avery": "it's nothing important i promise you"

Nat: "please tell me before you leave. I was so worried about you"

"Avery": "I'm fine so it's okay. I need to finish some stuff"

Nat: "oh okay"

A couple of days pass

Sharon: "has she collected any information?"

Radcliffe: "yes she has and it's been good information. A lot of top-secret files"

Sharon: "you better not screw any of this up"

Back at the compound

Carol: "hey avery what are you doing in here?"

"Avery": "I was looking"

Wanda walks into the room

Wanda: "hey Avery what are you doing in here?"

"Avery": "I was looking for Natasha do you know where she is?"

Carol: "no we've been in here most of the day"

Wanda: "sorry"

"avery": "thank you though"

She leaves

Carol: "is it me or has she been acting really off for the last couple of days"

Wanda: "I agree she is acting off"

Carol: "something is not right, we need to find out what is going on"

Wanda: "I agree she is acting off"

Carol: "something is not right"

"Avery" is walking around the compound

She stops clenching her head. She sees writing in her vision and

It said

I need more information on Steve rogers. Scan his file and send it to me as well as Wanda maximoff's

"avery"walks over to tony's office. With carol and Wanda.

Carol and Wanda are talking and Natasha walks in

Nat: "Hey has anyone seen av i haven't seen her since this morning"

Carol: "she was in here like 5 minutes ago looking for you"

Wanda: "have you noticed anything different about her or that she's been acting off?"

Nat: "not really. Why"

Carol: "no reason"

Nat: "I'm going to go find her"

She walks out

Nat: "av av... babe"

She walks around the compound more

Nat: "where the hell is she"

She notices tony's office door was slightly open

Nat: "tony isn't here why is his door open?"

She opens the door and sees "avery"

Nat: "av what are you doing in tony's office?"

 "avery": "hey nat. tony wanted me to send some stuff so I'm scanning the files to send to him"

Nat: "nat?? What the hell. Did I hear her right?"

"avery": "are you okay?"

Nat: "yeah i'm fine"

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