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They stay there for about a half hour

Nat: "okay i don't feel as sick as much.  but still sick"

Avery: "come on let's get you cleaned up and we can lay down on the couch. Maybe watch a movie. How does that sound?"

Nat: "good, right now I don't feel like doing anything"

They lay down on the couch and watch a movie

The following morning

Nat: "i'm so nervous"

Avery: "so am i but everything will be okay"

They hold hands as they are waiting for the doctor. Natasha leans her head against avery's shoulder

Avery: "you okay?"

Nat: "yeah just tired"

Avery: "on the way back home we can pick up some food and relax for the rest of the day"

A few moments later the doctor walks in

Doctor: "mrs romanoff it's nice to see you again how are you feeling?"

Nat: "a little nauseous right now but i feel okay"

Doctor: "okay. That's pretty common for the 1st trimester. It should stop around the end of the 1st trimester or the beginning of the second one"

They continue the appointment

Doctor: "and that is your baby right there"

She points to a small dot on a monitor 

Doctor: "you are still at the beginning of your pregnancy so it's pretty tiny"

They finish the check up

Avery: "doctor we have a quick question"

Doctor: "yes?"

Nat: "we want to tell the rest of our teammates about me being pregnant but we don't know when we should and we were wondering when you think the best time is"

Doctor: i "would suggest either waiting at 2 months or at least a week or two if you want to tell them as soon as possible"

Avery: "okay thank you so much"

A couple days later. Avery and natasha are at the compound. They are working on some reports on a past missions

Avery: "And that is the last report I needed to finish for today. You almost done talia?"

Nat: "Yeah, I am. I still have another one after this one though. They don't take t-"

Natasha puts her hand over her mouth

Nat: "i'll be right back"

5 minutes later

Natasha returns and sits back down next to avery

Avery: "how are you feeling?"

Nat: "like sh*t"

She leans against avery

Avery: "Here let me finish the report for you. And here"

She hands natasha a bottle of water

Nat: "thanks babe"

Wanda walks in

Wanda: "hey sorry for bothering you but tony was wondering if the reports are almost done"

Avery: "yeah just finishing this one then one more. Give me like an hour and they will all be done"

Wanda: "Okay, sounds good. Are you okay nat? You don't look that good"

Nat: "what oh umm yeah i'm fine"

Wanda; "okay i'll leave you both"

She walks out

Nat: "I just want to go to sleep. That's the only thing that makes me feel better during morning sickness"

Avery: "I know I know. Why don't you lay down on the couch"

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