Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me

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I don't own Percy Jackson or Avengers
Cassie POV

I wake up on the day of my birthday, after a very uneventful couple of weeks. I wished Jess a happy birthday while she was away in Florida, and hung out with Alex and TJ a little more, but that was it. We did win Capture the Flag one more time, though! But the second week, the Hunters of Artemis came, and we lost to them. One of Rowan the dryad's friends, Willow, joined the hunters. I think a few more girls did as well.

Good for them.  I don't want to give up love, nor live forever.  I have a girlfriend waiting in Elysium for me.  Wait, what if I get another date?  I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, I guess.  Yeah, last week was kinda meh.  But today is my birthday, and I hear a knock at my door.  It's my friends, come to wish me a happy birthday.

As I turn to invite them into my nice cabin, I get sprayed in the face with whipped cream. As I wipe it away from my eyes, I see Alice and Julia standing there with cans of whipped cream, and laughing. "I'll get you back for this!", I say, before pulling them into a hug. "Is this an invitation for a prank war! I have SO many new ideas!", Alice says. "No. Please no prank war right now. I want to enjoy my birthday in peace. It's the last one I'll ever have as a child.", I say.

Yep, I'm turning 17. And I don't like it. In senior year next year, as well. I really don't like this. At least I have money to pay for college now. MIT, here I come! We sit down on the couch, which is only big enough for four people. The rest of the people sit on the coffee table or the arms of the couch. We chitchat for a while, before we play Twister. But, we added whipped cream to every circle you put your hands and feet on, so it's messy.

It's a good way to wake up, that's for sure. I got a charm bracelet from Lia, and earrings from Olivia, but that's about it. Oh, and a painting from Violet, which I promptly hang up in my bedroom. Olivia is really good at making jewelry, by the way. She said that Lou Ellen taught her. Lou Ellen confirmed this.

Lia is the first to leave, but not before winning five games of Twister. The rest follow soon after, because I told them I'd be light traveling to the compound. Nobody wants to be in the same room as a sudden blast of light.  And that is what I become as I light travel from the dock to the Avengers compound.  No need to burn my new cabin. 

I rather startle Clint, who was peacefully sipping coffee at the other end of the room.  "Oh, hi Cassie!", Wanda says, holding a mug of tea.  "I'm back for my birthday!", I say excitedly.  "Happy birthday, then!", they both say.  I'm still holding the charm bracelet Lia gave me, and of course Clint noticed it. "Whatcha got there?", he asks. "Charm bracelet from my friend. You've got a coffee stain on your shirt.", I say, pointing out the stain.

"Wait till Stark finds out about this . He always turns everyone's birthdays into a huge deal.", Wanda says, steering me towards the lab.  "I don't doubt it.", I reply, letting her push me.  We arrive at the lab to see Tony passed out in a pile of notes.  There is only one thing to do.  Sing Happy Birthday to myself, very off key, and loudly.  So, I do that. 

It doesn't work, but it did make Wanda laugh, so that's a plus.  So, I leave the lab to go find someone else.  And, like the idiot I am, I walk straight into Bruce.  "Sorry!", I say.  "No problem.  Why are you here?", he replies.  "My birthday, why else!", I say. "Well, happy birthday then. If you want to leave, don't tell Tony. He'll keep you here all day for a party.", Bruce says.

"Thank you. A party sounds nice, but I'm here to hang out and see if my suit is done.", I say, trying to get a peek at it. "Oh, it was finished like a week ago. I didn't even have to help! We've been working on something different for a while now.", Bruce says. "Well, good luck with it. Now, are you sure that when I jump off the compound, the wings will actually work? We might need a trampoline or something to put at the bottom.", I say, because I don't want to die this young.

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