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After dropping off one of the presents at the Apollo cabin for Will, I head over to the archery range to hang out with Lia. I manage to get a few arrows close to the bullseye, but that's all. We don't normally do birthday celebrations, but Harley is basically the camp child, so we spoil him. As long as we plan it, we're allowed to. My birthday's coming up as well, so I'll go round up my friends to celebrate. Jess ended up going away with her dad for her birthday, so we won't have a party. I might light travel back to the compound for a while then, just to hang out.

And to test out that awesome suit. And my cabin should be done by now. I think I'll go see it during free time. And, after a few hours of trail riding and aerial combat, it is free time. My cabin, glowing gold in the sunlight, stands next to the lake. Not that big, with only two bedrooms and a living area. Three bathrooms though, but the two in the bedrooms are really small.

I got to furnish my bedroom how I liked, which was cool. I had the money to pay for it, so why not. I walk in. The cabin is painted a very light blue. There's a small couch and table, as well as a small cabinet with a coffee machine in the back, but that's it. Plus a spot for making Iris messages, with a prism and very small fountain in the corner. There's plenty of natural light from all the windows, which I absolutely love.

Walking into my bedroom, I see the bed and desk. There's a very small closet, barely more than two drawers worth of space. The rest of the room is occupied by a bookshelf and beanbag chair. Fairy lights hang by my bed , and pictures that I picked out are displayed proudly on the walls. I flop down onto my bed, which is slightly bigger than the one I had in my room in my apartment. Which is to say, not very big.

It's sad that I'll never share this place with someone else. I'll write a journal, describing how to use your powers as a child of Hemera. Then, I'll leave it for the next sibling of mine. Walking out of the cabin, I go to grab the rest of my stuff from the Hermes cabin.  On my way, I meet Connor.  "Well, it's official.  I'm moving into my cabin.  I'm really gonna miss you guys.  But make sure to tell me when you guys do Truth or Dare again, or anything like that.  I don't wanna miss the prank wars.", I say.  I really am gonna miss them. 

"Oh yeah, you're leaving.  I'm gonna miss you too!", Connor says, as we walk away from each other.  Grabbing the rest of my stuff from my cabin, I finish setting up my new cabin.  The bookshelf has enough room for all the books I brought, including the textbooks on advanced geology and advanced engineering that my mom got me for Christmas.   She was Catholic, another reason I never told her I was a demigod.  I didn't want her to believe that her life was a lie. 

The rest of the day goes by pretty fast, but I found out that our team lost last week's Capture The Flag, so that was sad. I blew a bunch of time on my phone. It took like eight demigods to make the first prototype of it. Butch, two Athena kids, two Hermes kids, Leo and Jake, and Lou Ellen all combined forces and powers to make it. Then he started taking orders for them. So I bought one. Works great, if not a little slow.

Yeah, today was pretty uneventful besides the whole Olivia thing this morning. I also was graced with no dreams when I went to sleep tonight. That is great.

I woke up in the morning, expecting to see Alice setting up a new prank. Then I realized that I'm in my new cabin. It's a bit lonely here. But it's less crowded and I have a bathroom to myself now.  And there's nobody to steal my rose scented body wash.  Looking at you, Julia.  And I have privacy to plan my own pranks on the Hermes cabin.

I'm walking down to breakfast alone, which is weird.  I completely disregard my own table, and head straight over to the Apollo table.  "Can I sit here?", I ask them.  "Sure!  You've moved into your own cabin already?", Will replies.  "Yes.  It's a bit lonely, but less crowded.", I say.  I sacrifice an entire waffle to Hestia because she's cool, and then proceed to drown the rest of the waffles in maple syrup. 

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