I've been tagged!

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Well, Saans1512  has tagged me in her tag book, so the admin has been summoned for some questions.

1. Two facts about yourself: I have a dog and a cat, and I love art.

2. Do you like someone? No

3. Do they like you back? No

4. Do you play a musical instrument? Yes, I play clarinet!

5. I don't have any nicknames.

6. What do people hate most about you? I can be quite annoying at times.

7. Current lock screen: Alex Fierro

8. Favorite thing about yourself: My intelligence

9. I'm not comfortable with that

I don't feel like tagging anyone really, but I will tag _-TitanessAsteria-_

This is what you get for booping me, Asteria!

Have a great day!

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