Shopping with Wanda

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I don't own Percy Jackson or The Avengers
                             Cassandra POV

I wake up in a cold sweat.  "Great, another nightmare.", I think, as I pull on a tank top and shorts.  I decide to put an effort into doing my hair, and maybe pop a few of my pimples so they don't look as bad. It's gonna be a scorcher today.

My hair looks okay, just a bun that will keep the hair off my neck. It should keep me a little cooler. I usually like having my hair down, but I only do that if I'm in an air conditioned environment. Otherwise I get hot, and fast.  I turn the AC to max.  I want this room freezing when I get back. I walk out of my room.

Today I'll get some stuff. This room looks a little bland, and hey, I have a rich dad! I can afford this stuff now! I find Wanda and Peter sitting and eating toast. "Hey, kid! Care for some toast!", Clint shouts from the kitchen. "Why not!", I say. I push the death yesterday from my mind. Us demigods heal from mental trauma easier anyway. If we didn't, we would be in very deep trouble.

That doesn't mean we still hurt from it, though, but a mortal would have a way harder time dealing with the trauma we deal with. It's worse for the Apollo cabin, they see more death than the average demigod. It's not like I watched her die, like with Tessa. She was a child of Hermes I knew and loved since I came to camp four years ago.

She died in my arms in the Giant War. We were dating when she died, we had been for three months, but I had a crush on her almost as soon as I got to know her.  It took three years of building up courage and her coming out as lesbian to the whole camp for me to ask her out.  I haven't been the same since her death. 

For the record, I'm bisexual.  I was claimed as soon as I came to camp, but since Hemera doesn't have a cabin, I stay with the Hermes cabin. Tessa was a year round camper, I am not. I think I'll go to camp for a month now, since I have nobody who will be suspicious of my absence anymore. My mom never knew I was a demigod. I'll leave for camp in a week. Even though I lived in the Hermes cabin, that's not who I usually hang out with, except for Tessa.

The Apollo kids are the closest things I've ever had to siblings. Matching powers and attitudes make for good connections. I leave the Hermes kids as soon as we finish breakfast, but they don't mind, as they know that I'm not one of their siblings.

They're kind of annoying, and they don't do anything except prank people and steal from other cabins, anyway. Not that I don't love a good prank, but sometimes you want to do something else. Tessa was different, she was less concerned with all of that and more concerned with being a track star.  She was a very good runner, but Gaea got to her first. 

Cecil is pretty cool, but the Stolls are really annoying , and I got my gold necklace stolen for a week by Connor once. Cecil doesn't spend much time with them anyway, preferring to spend time with his girlfriend Lou Ellen.  Lou's really awesome, we spend whole days on the beach and practicing with our powers. 

We once snuck up on Travis and turned him into a pig for a day.  That's how I got my necklace back.  We also turned Chiron's apple pie into a charred mess, when I accidentally hit it with a blast of light.  What, it was an accident! 

We blamed it on Will, since he's the only other person here with light powers.  He knew it was me though, and I had to clean the toilets that day, thanks to my poor aim.  I got way better with it.  I take a bite of my toast.  "Barton, ya burned this!  You had one job!", I exclaim, grabbing the next slice to come out of the toaster.  I eat my new perfectly cooked toast.  Mmm, not ash. 

"Hey, Wanda!  Want to go shopping? I need some stuff for my room!", I ask her,  "Sure!  You got a way to pay for it?", she asks.  "My dad is TONY FREAKIN STARK!  Of course I can pay!", I say, joking around.  The man himself walks in. 

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