Broken Bones Are Awful

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I don't own Percy Jackson or Avengers
                           Cassie POV

I slowly come to, after what feels like years of nothingness. I register the light shining on me, and I appear to be in a bed. I open my eyes, to find myself in the infirmary. My wrist throbs, and it's in a cast. My other arm is bandaged all the way up. I vaguely remember cutting it wide open on a rock when I fell. My head hurts, too.

"What day is it?", I ask Will, who's stocking the cabinets at the far end of the infirmary. "Oh, great, you're up! You've been out for like, five days now! You had some really bad head trauma from the fall, plus we had to stitch up your entire right arm. It's currently Sunday.", he replies. "So, how are you feeling?", he asks, concern clouding his face. "Wrist hurts, plus the worst headache I've had in a while.", I say.

"Not much I can do about either, since any more ambrosia would probably kill you, but maybe mortal painkillers would help with the headache?". Will says, digging through a cabinet. "Aha! I knew they were in here somewhere!", he says, handing me some Advil and a glass of water.  "Thank you.", I say, swallowing the pill.  "Anything happen while I was out?", I ask.

"Not much, but we are preparing for Harley's birthday party. Don't worry, you'll be able to go, and you might even be out of the cast by then. We can probably take those bandages off right now, as well. Just don't move your arm too much, because of the stitches.", Will replies. "Hey, Lia!", Will yells. "What's up!", Lia says, jogging into the room with her crossbow. She lays it down onto the desk, much to Andrew's dismay. He's been sitting there the whole time, absentmindedly wrapping and unwrapping a bandage on his wrist.

"Mind unwrapping that bandage while I grab lunch for us?", he asks, bending down to tie his shoelace.  "Sure!  Make sure that there's no peanut butter in my jelly sandwich, I really don't want to have to use my epipen again!", Lia replies.  Lia is severely allergic to peanuts, by the way.  It doesn't hurt when she unwrapped the bandage on my arm, but I was shocked at the sight of it.

One long, neatly stitched cut runs down the length of my arm.  It must have cut a few arteries, that's for sure.  "It probably won't scar too much.", Lia says softly, as if she read my mind.  "That's good.  I was wondering how I was gonna explain this to Stark and the rest of the Avenger idiots!", I remark.  "Oh yeah, Rachel told me about that!  What's it like living with them!", she says, excited.  Hawkeye is practically worshipped among the Apollo cabin.  Apollo doesn't care, because he worships Hawkeye too. 

"Well, I got roped into a prank war with  Spider-Man and Scarlet Witch against Hawkeye and my dad, so that was interesting.  And my dad figured out I have powers and now he's recruited me into the Avengers.", I say.  I would have added a less-than-pure word in that sentence, but I do not wish to corrupt the smol innocent bean that is Lia.  I'll let someone else do that.

"Wow, you're joining the Avengers!  I'm jealous!  Now get me an autograph from Hawkeye so we can put it in the cabin shrine! And a picture! And maybe his toothbrush while you're at it! Well, not that last one, that would be extremely unhygienic.", she says. "Also, is there a way we could tour the Avengers base! That would be absolutely awesome!", Lia adds, smiling. "Probably not, but I'll ask when I go back in August.", I reply.

We sit in silence for a few minutes, before Will comes back with a basket. "Guys, I'm back!", Will says, putting the basket on the table. Andrew looks annoyed, but moves his book so there's room for it. Looking around, there's only one other injured person here. It's Kayla, with a busted lip and multiple stitched-up wounds from her fall. She's up and about though, and I'm not too sure about my ability to stand up yet.

We eat in silence, with me staring out the window at the beautiful day outside. What a shame to be locked in here. Tomorrow, I'll have to leave the safety of camp to go and get Harley a lego set. I brought some mortal money here, and I keep it on me in a pocket on my shorts. It's zippered, so my cabin mates can't pickpocket me. As much as I love my cabin mates, they're a pain in the ass sometimes.

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