I Definitely Stuck The Landing

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I don't own Percy Jackson or Marvel
Cassie POV

I wake up feeling not at all refreshed. But at least it's chariot race day, and I get to drive! We don't usually win, so I'm not expecting us to. There's a betting system, complements the Hermes cabin, of course. If I was brave enough to bet, I would bet on either the Demeter, Apollo, or Hephaestus cabins. Since you really can't drive and fend off another cabin all by yourself, most people alone in a cabin will join another.

Percy is joining the Athena chariot, Andrew strikes terror into the hearts of his enemies with the Apollo cabin, and I will stick with Hermes when I have my own cabin. Also, Frank is with the Hades cabin as well.  Hazel and Nico teamed up in an old chariot.  Him and Hazel are the sweetest couple ever!  I'm usually up earlier than most of my cabin, so I get dressed and sit outside and read a book in the very early morning light. Checking the time on my watch, it's 6:30. It's a bit hard reading the book, what with dyslexia and all, but not horrible.

I look up from my book, and see Will Solace opening his cabin door to stare at the sun rising, sipping from a mug of coffee. The door of the Big House opens, and a figure walks out onto the porch. It's Andrew, his dark brown hair messed up, and a cup of coffee in his hands. Where do they get coffee? I'm not a huge fan of it, but it's useful to wake up.

The door stays open, and that Magnus boy from earlier walks out, sword in hand. He walks to the arena, waving at Will as he goes by. "Hey, Magnus! I apologize for what my boyfriend did yesterday!", he yells. Magnus stops. "You apologized yesterday, it's okay now! Besides, it made Alex happy!", he replies, continuing to walk towards the arena.

I want to talk to Alex. I should talk to Alex. Alex sounds cool. I like the Cha Cha Slide as well. How do I tell what gender someone is? I was told to not call Alex a they. I follow orders sometimes, believe it or not. Especially when it comes to pronouns. Luckily for me, Alex is the next person to leave the Big House. By now, Andrew has left for the arena with his spear, and Will has gone back inside.

"Hey, have you seen Magnus anywhere?", Alex says, walking towards me. "Yeah, he went to the arena.", I reply. Grabbing my sword, I walk to the arena with the garrote wielding badass. Badass is gender neutral, right? "It's he, today. Make it known to all that want to talk to me.", Alex says. "Got it, Alex!", I reply. "Nice sword!", he remarks, staring at my blade. "Thanks! I've never seen a combat clay cutter before!", I reply. I did ceramics all though freshman and sophomore year.

I'm going into Junior year, and I'm not that excited. Just more of the same, except harder. Who wants that? "Wow, you like pottery too!", he says. "Yeah! It's my favorite class I've ever taken!", I exclaim. Sorry, ninth grade biology, you are a close second. "Cool!", he replies. We go our separate ways, and I spot Magnus over by the training dummies. "Señor, I will no do such a lowly thing as hitting a dummy! Find something better!", I hear a voice say.

"Come on, Jack, there's no one to fight!", Magnus says. The voice was coming from his sword. Am I going crazy? "Hey, did your sword just talk, or am I going crazy!", I yell. "Yes, he did. Meet Sumarbrander, or Jack, as he likes to be called.", he replies. "Señor, who is the girl with the hot lady sword?", Jack the sword asks. "What's your name!", Magnus yells. "It's Cass! The sword is Old Faithful!", I yell back. I walk to them so I don't have to keep yelling.

"No, Señorita, the sword is Maia.", Jack replies. "Please do not call me Señorita, Jack.", I reply. I hated my Spanish teacher doing that. It was annoying. Because she did it in the voice from the song Señorita. Also, my sword has a name! I never knew that. Did Jack just name my sword, or did he know something I didn't?

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