Capture The Flag

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Walking to the mess hall, I keep thinking about tomorrow. Demigods from a whole new pantheon, it's all so strange. I guess I'll have to wait and see. I hate it when I have to wait and see. But I know that having Lia and Olivia in the same room cannot result in a good outcome. They both are the definition of chaotic, except that Lia is more of a cinnamon roll. Imagine a small blonde girl wrapped in a blanket, with a crossbow, ready to shoot. That's Lia.

It's also 4th of July tomorrow, and I'm excited for the fireworks. I love fireworks. And the day after that, there's chariot races, and in a week, my cabin will be done! So many things to look forward to this week! Chariot races are even more fun than Capture The Flag sometimes. Especially when you have a horse drawn monstrosity packed to the brim with demigods armed with pointy objects. That's our cabin chariot. We cobbled it together with scrap wood and duct tape. It does the job.

Thanking the nymph who brought me a plate of food, I sit next to Cecil and Connor. Of course, this is after sacrificing some brisket to Nike. I need some victory today. "So, what happened while I was gone?", I ask Connor. "Well, Travis came by while you guys were at the beach! He brought Katie as well. Spoiler alert, Katie did not appreciate the prank in the bathroom. But the look on her face was priceless, and that's all that matters!", he replies, smiling. Well, now we have two more people for our team on Capture The Flag.

Sorry, I get really into these things. I'm not always this competitive, but I love Capture the Flag with all my heart, and I'm determined to win. I brought my sword down with me so I don't have to go back for it. It's in a sheath strapped to my back. Cecil has a dagger at his side, and Connor has a knife.

We're getting ready for the game right after dinner, so we might as well bring our weapons. Besides, nothing is more satisfying than stabbing a Celestial Bronze knife into a table while whispering your battle plans to the person across from you. Dinner is amazing as always, and I love that if you're on your own in a cabin, you can sit at any table you like. As long as they let you sit there. It's called the Nico amendment. Chiron got tired of the doctors notes.

I'm gonna do that when I have my own cabin. Especially because Butch is leaving for college next year. Then Violet will be alone, so she can sit at the Apollo table with me! And Lou Ellen as well, if Olivia doesn't stay the whole summer. I'm also on friendly terms with most of the nymphs and satyrs here, there's one dryad named Rowan here who's really nice.

Speaking of, I see her off in the corner. She's a bit antisocial, and she loves reading and listening to the satyrs playing their panpipes. You can usually hear them playing to make the strawberry fields grow faster. Speaking of, I'm on strawberry picking duty on Thursday with Nyssa, Will, and Lacy. Hestia's also at camp today, sitting near the fire. I think I'll go talk to her before putting on all my armor and stuff.

We finish rather quickly, rising from our seats to go to the armory. I hang back near the fire. "Good evening, Lady Hestia.", I say to her. You never know with gods, so I always put Lord or Lady first. I don't want to be incinerated. "Same to you, Cassandra.", she replies. I've gotten used to gods and goddesses calling me by my full name by now. "Cass is fine. I've got a bit of a problem, and I think I need some advice.", I reply.

"What do you need?", she says, stoking the fire. "Well, you know those mortals, the Avengers? They're getting closer to discovering our world than any mortal should. Especially because I have to live with them. All it takes is one nightmare or something and then we're revealed to everyone. How do I keep such a big secret, especially if my hunch is right and one is clearsighted?", I ask.

"Well, take some comfort in knowing that even a clearsighted mortal cannot enter the boundaries of either Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter without permission from a god or demigod. And as for them finding out, I would have some more trust in the Mist. Sometimes we forget how much it truly can hide, but it does do its job. We are at stake here, so stepping up to the challenge of keeping us secret falls to you, Cass. I believe you are up to it. Your friends certainly do. In the meantime, I wish you luck in tonight's game.", Hestia replies, going back to tending the fire.

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