"Y/n? Are you alright?" I ask aloud waiting for a response but not hearing one as the TV continued to play, I take slow steps toward the room.

Y/n's POV:
I'm so confused... Olivia had to stay an extra few hours for her new movie, what's she doing home?

"What do you mean?" Olivia asks me confused as the cupboard door opens out of no where, my eyes shoot toward the cupboard that had opened up, I go to stand up but Olivia pulls me back down, "Ignore it, come back to bed, Y/n." Olivia instructs me to do, I stare at the cupboard confused,

"I-I can't. I need it to be shut." I tell her in a low whisper, once I got to the door; I feel myself get pushed in, I scream falling and feeling myself land back in the classroom and when I managed to get up, I look behind me to see dark woods and Olivia, My Olivia, hanging from a tree, I gasp moving backwards against the door I assume I had fallen through. "O-Olivia...?" I ask out-loud as I felt tears fall down my face seeing her stomach cut into, her bowels showing and spurting out of her stomach, I stare in discomfort. "No-no-no, this can't--" I pause walking back and forth, my hands on my head as I try hitting my hands against my head, "No... I-I can't, I can't lose her... no..." I whisper as I feel the floor start breaking, I look down and feel myself spring into the air, letting out a scream for help.

I wake up screaming and see a girl running over to me, straddling my waist as she cups my face. I try fight out of the grip as I couldn't see a thing since my eyes were filled with tears, I sniffle trying to fight whoever it was as I have a girlfriend, I do not want anyone else but her. Especially right now.

"Shh, shh, look at me." I move back not picking up on the girl, "It's me, Olivia, Y/n look at me." Olivia announces in a soft tone, placing her delicate hand on the side of my face. I feel all around the neck part of my t-shirt having bad sweat stains as I was way too hot and was super sweaty, "You're okay..." Olivia whispers as her voice breaks and a small tear falls down her face. "talk to me, what happened?" Olivia quietly asks me in a soft tone. I shake my head feeling as if a lump in my throat had grown and I couldn't say a single thing; I wipe my eyes and once I finally see her face, she looks so worried and exhausted from all the acting recently, "How long has these nightmares been going on?" Olivia asks worriedly as she stares me down, not breaking eye-contact. I shrug slightly,

"I don't--" I sniffle as tears were falling down my face mixing with the sweat that was also falling down my face, my chest was rising and falling as if I had just ran a marathon. "I don't know..." I whisper glancing up at her but then looking down,

"You need to come to me more, Y/n. I'm worried about you." Olivia tells me which I sigh and roll my eyes at. "What is it?" Olivia asks me in a calm voice,

"Nothing." I bluntly reply, Olivia forces me to look up at her.

"We've been dating for almost a year now. Don't shut me out now..." Olivia tells me in a calming and angelic voice, I feel my heart rate calm down as her thumb was rubbing my cheekbone which was quite comforting.

"I-I had a dream--" I pause letting out a sigh, "nightmare.. I-I mean..." I correct myself pausing trying to process what I just saw in my nightmare, "I was first in a hall; I go into a classroom, I see something go from one corner to across the room, a door falls into the middle of the room, I go in, 'wake up', you were there but- but I thought you were still at work... and when I went to ask about it, the cupboard door opens and I go to close it but I get pushed in and once I stand up, i'm back in the class and once I turn around, I see..." I pause inhaling a shaky breath, "y-you... hanged... your bowl showing and spurting as your face... it looked all beaten up and swollen..." I explain to Olivia, she pulls me in a tight hug as she strokes the back of my neck,

"I'm so sorry, Y/n." Olivia whispers in my ear, she pulls away and gets up helping me up. "Let's go get you ice cream, huh? And I can take you to that small village that's 30 minutes away, I know how much you like it." Olivia tells me in attempt to cheer me up.

"B-But what about you? Y-You just got back from work... a-and you look exhausted--"

"Don't worry about me, Y/n." Olivia assures me, she grabs her purse and they get in Olivia's Volkswagen.

*Skip to when they arrive and had bought ice cream*

As well as Ice Cream, I also got chips. We sat on a bench that was in front of Olivia's car, two bridges and a nice small village to the left of us and a huge red bridge for trains on the right of us as there was a large amount of water. I sit there happily eating my chips and McFlurry.

"Thanks, Olive. I'll pay you back." I assure her as I turn to her, she shakes her head dismissing my idea.

"No, on me." Olivia assures me, she looks back at the ocean as she takes a photo on her phone and then a photo of the sunrise that was coming up.

"Do you want to tell me how work was?" I ask her nervously as I wasn't sure if she was up for talking about work; she turns to me surprised and looks at me to know if i'm being serious, I nod my head and she starts talking about work, and funny things that happened on set. It truly sounded funny and amazing, I love hearing Olivia talk about her work as she sounds so happy there but then would always assure me that her favourite part would be coming home to me and our dog. I smile admiring her as the sunrises more and more as I start noticing the small details that I never really picked up before. But no matter how much time I spend with her, she will always be my favourite person to be with...


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