Helping Hand

596 9 11

A/N: Olivia x Reader

Summary: Y/n is struggling with homework and needs help while Olivia has other stuff on her mind and helps her get out of online class

Thank you for 38k! I honestly cannot keep up with all the support that you guys are giving me! I feel so lucky for you all so much and HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE! I hope you all have a good day!

Btw this is unfinished, but I'm too tired to finish and I've been a little busy recently, I'm sorry!

Have a good day or night <3



Y/n was seated at the desk as she was bored out of her mind, she hated class and she hated college at the moment however she knew that she was doing her mother proud.

No matter how much she didn't deserve it.

She listened to the teacher ramble on and on and all Y/n wanted to do was lie in bed and cuddle with Olivia; she was tired and hated that she had to get up so early so Olivia and her set up a small office in a room down the hall.

Olivia knocked on the door lightly to which Y/n muted herself, her camera was already off and she turned to the door,

"Come in!" Y/n exclaimed as she turned back to her laptop and continued to write notes; Olivia walked behind her and shut the door, she wrapped her arms around Y/n and rested her chin on her right shoulder.

"Hey, baby," She ran her hand up the back of her neck and around to the left side of her face and through her hair. Y/n leaned into her and sighed, "what's wrong?" She asked politely, Y/n huffed.

"This stupid... stupid class." She muttered under her breath in annoyance, Olivia chuckled. "I hate it... so much." She breathed out as she shook her head, Olivia placed a kiss on her cheek and slowly moved down to her neck; Y/n lifted her head up and let out a small moan. "What—? What—? What're you... what're you doing?" Y/n asked breathless, Olivia hummed,

"Just relax—"

"Y/n L/n! Can you hear me?" They heard Y/n's teacher, Y/n groaned and clenched her jaw, she unmuted herself but when she did; she wanted to moan as Olivia had slipped her fingers into her bottoms and closer and closer to her center.

"Y—Yeah, I'm... I'm here, Sir." Y/n replied shyly as she kept her camera off while Olivia marked her neck, they were going out to dinner tonight at a spot where they always saw someone that tried to flirt with Y/n so she decided to make sure people knew that she belonged to someone.

"Y/n, are you alright—?"

"Not... Not really, sir. Bad stomach ache." She complained, as she let out a small groan and covered her mouth before she coughed. Although she was faking the cough and stomach ache, luckily her nose was blocked and her voice was raspy and deep because she was starting to catch the blip of a cold.

"Okay, I will allow you to leave class early." The teacher said, "You can catch up another time,
okay?" He sternly told her, Y/n nodded her head although she didn't know why; he couldn't see her.

"Yes— Yeah... Yes, sir." She answered, "Bye." She said and quickly left the call, she slammed her laptop shut and grasped Olivia's body and moved her on her lap. Her fingers had been exploring her inside and when she felt Y/n let out a low moan into her chest and shake her head, she knew she was close.

She let out a small giggle with a wide smile on her face as she watched Y/n's face furrow in pleasure, the sound of her moans and whines creating her own little pool in her pants.

"Come on, love, look at me." Olivia demanded as she cupped her chin and moved her back, Y/n looked down at her bottoms but Olivia lifted her chin, "Come on, baby, you got it." She cheered on, with an innocent smile on her face as she bit her lip as Y/n looked at her and whined as her back arched, just when she felt as if she was about to reach her climax, Olivia abruptly pulled out and placed her lips against Y/n's so she didn't have to hear her complaint.

However when Olivia felt herself get picked up and taken into their room, she felt her back rest on the bed randomly and a door slam and lock. Y/n sighed and grabbed a chair and sat at the edge of the bed, she sat herself and manspread her legs apart and stared Olivia down.

Olivia sat up but Y/n gave her a look that told her that she was doing it wrong, Olivia slowly lowered herself back down and Y/n simply sighed.

"And what to do with you..." She mumbled, as she tilted her head and let out a small hum while she stood up and stared her down. She kicked the chair back lightly and hovered her body over Olivia's, the two subconsciously moved back and once Olivia's head was rested on the pillow, Y/n began to do some work.

She started off by kissing her chest and pulled her t-shirt up as she moved her way further and further down, once she got to the hem of her jeans, she looked up at her, Olivia immediately nodded her head.

"P...Please..." She mumbled, Y/n hummed and undid the button as she pulled them down and took her t-shirt off along with it. She placed her finger on her stomach and trailed down, once her finger just got above her pants, she teased her over and over again which made Olivia let out a small 'fuck' and moan. Y/n slowly got to work on her body, Olivia moaning and melting toward Y/n's body.


I'm mean so i'm not gonna finish this...

That's what she said ;)

Kidding! Anyway! I will do a part 2 if anyone wants it aha

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