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A/N: Deena x Sam. HWG!


Deena hated school events, especially because of how things always seemed to go wrong, the Shadyside curse always seemed to happen on either Colour War or some staying overnight thing that the seniors always do. It's dumb, Deena thinks. 

She didn't want to go yet Simon and Kate managed to convince her as Timothy was going to be taking care of Josh. 

They all got into the car and Kate was driving with Deena in the passenger's side and Simon in the back, in the middle. 

"I'm excited!" Simon exclaimed, "Are you guys?" he asked glancing between the two, smiling widely.

"No." Deena answered truthfully which Kate sighed at,

"Come on, Deen's. Lighten up! Sam will be there." Kate tried to encourage but Deena shook her head.

"No. No, no, no, no, no. Don't make this a big deal, alright? I don't-" Deena paused, "I don't like her, k? T-This is nothing." Deena dismissed which made Kate and Simon laugh,

"Our little Deen having her first crush-"

"Shut it." Deena snapped at Simon glaring at him through the mirror. The two laughed and continued to try and cheer up but continiously failed as Deena got more angry and angry. So, the two decided to move on and talk about something else.

"So, where we sleeping? What teachers we pranking?" Simon asked.

"No, no, we're not pranking anybody." Kate told Simon which he huffed at and crossed his arms throwing a small fit. "Don't be a baby, Si." Kate continuned to lecture him for another good 5 minutes that led them to their arrival at school where most kids where already in the cafeteria.

They get out and grab their bags from Kate's trunk and once they close it, a car pulled up. Deena immediately recognised that car seeing that it was Peter's car, from Sunnyvale which sparked his curiosity on what he was doing there until she noticed Sam in the passenger's side. She watched as they kissed, Peter looking tired and exhausted as Sam's hair looked messy and her facial expression looked out of it. 

As much as Deena was quite hardcore and unfazed by a lot of things, Peter was one person that she did not like one bit but could always manage to find her voice somehow as she knew what he was doing behind Sam's back. The little liar cheating on her. Deena honestly couldn't believe it when she found out, it was almost as if everyone knew but her and was sneaking around her.

It's unfair for Sam.

She was always just used and known as the popular cheerleader who's probably going to move to Sunnyvale. Literally. People have calender's in their locker ticking the days in case Sam leaves, some people even have bets that's how obsessed they are with her.

When Sam got out the car, she stumbled slightly and Peter simply drove off. Deena rushed over once he was out of side and walked over to her,

"H-Hey. Hey... Sam." Deena awkwardly greeted which made Sam turn to her, she grinned tiredly at Deena. She's always been nice to her, almost like every time they were with one another, Sam would take the brunette haired girl under her wing.

"Hey, Deena! Thought you'd be skipping this." Sam chuckled out continuing to smile but Deena could tell it was a fake smile.

"Uhm... yeah, yeah. No. I wasn't going to but Kate and Simon dragged me... so, here I am." Deena scoffed out nervously, Sam lightly laughed.

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