Dark and Twisty "Sisters" 2

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A/N: Reader x Olivia

Backstory: Imagine this before Olivia and Y/n got together, Demi was dating someone else named Allison, she had some concerns about Y/n and Olivia getting together so she asked Demi too tell Y/n to back off but the two start to sneak around Demi until Y/n decided to tell her which causes a physical fight.


Y/n was walking down the corridor with her journal in her hands, she was showing it to Demi who just smiled.

"You know, see when your gonna have kids? They're gonna read this and make fun of you just like we do with your mom." Demi chuckled out. Y/n rolled her eyes and scoffed,

"Ok, but my mom was a bitch. So, we're allowed too."

"You mean you are?"

"No, we are. You're my person and! She hated you for no reason. Literally no reason. You were amazing to me, and she didn't care. Because she didn't care about me. So, yes, you're allowed too complain and moan and bitch about her for as long as you wish. I won't disagree." Y/n explained to Demi who then placed an arm around her and the two rested the side of their heads against one another,

"I'm sorry about your mom."

"It's okay, dude. She gave me a life and if I wasn't born I wouldn't have met my platonic soulmate!" She exclaimed which made Demi laugh and push her away,

"Don't say that, gross." Demi dismissed which made Y/n laugh with a wide smile on her face, she looked around and saw her friend Olivia who was smiling and staring at the two girls, Y/n blushed and waved, Olivia waved back and went back to reading her book, Demi hit her shoulder; Y/n turned to her. "Don't do it." 

"Do what?"

"You like her..." She breathed out, "As much as I want you to date, I just don't know if she's the best one." 

"And you're deciding it for me?"

"I'm your person right? So, please? For me? Allison wanted me to ask you if you two could just... not have sex. Olivia's been through a lot relationship wise and so have you." 

"Doesn't that make it perfect though?" Y/n asked as she moved in front of Demi with a huge smile on her face, 

"I thought so and I sorta want you two together but Allison has worries and she doesn't want you two to get worse." Demi explained to her, Y/n sighed and the two stopped walking.

"Can I at least talk... to her?" Y/n mocked which made Demi scoff,

"You're mean."

"I'm not!" She dismissed with a huge smile,

"Oh, shut up." Demi scoffed out and nodded her head, "You are."

"Only a little, but you love it!" Y/n called out as Demi had started to walk away, "Demi, wait up!" She exclaimed and ran after her, she jumped on her back and Demi caught her and spun around multiple times before Y/n hopped down, the two giggling and Y/n couldn't help but look in Olivia's direction to see her smiling and shaking her head at the two's antics while she went back to her book. Demi walked ahead and Y/n ran over to Olivia,

"Hello, there." She smiled out charmingly, Olivia sighed and looked up at her.

"Hi there." Olivia grinned out with a smile, 

"How do you do, cowgirl?" She asked with a smile which made Olivia scoff, she stood up and set the book down,

"You saying that because I'm from Texas?" 

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