Drunk Sam

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A/N: Deena x Sam

If you see a name, ignore it, this is part of a personal story. So, sorry.


Deena's POV:

We were at a party and Sam had been trying to hide from me for the past half hour. However, at least I found her, I just wish she didn't take a drink and chug it after I told her not too; she's going to feel so sick in the morning and I'm going to have to take care of her... as much as I like taking care of her, I know she always feels like she has to make it up too me. 

"Oh, god. Tastes like Peter's lips... bleh." Sam gags as she chucks the glass on the ground, I quietly laugh and walk over to Sam. Once she saw me, she gasps with a surprised look on her face as she backs up slightly, giggling, "Oh, shit." Sam exclaims laughing slightly,

"Oh, shit, indeed, Samantha Fraser." I agree as I move in front of Sam, she grabs each side of my jacket pulling me closer as Sam moved her back against the fence, my body in front of Sam's, pressed against hers. "What're you doing?" I ask confused as I try to move back but Sam pulls me back as she wraps her arms around my neck,

"I'm dancing, we're dancing." Sam corrects herself as she smiles resting her head on my chest. I grin weakly as I want to dance with Sam but I don't want Sam to be surrounded by any more drinks or get made fun off for when she goes into school on Monday and she's sober getting hated on for dancing with me or even being around me.

"How about we go home and dance in my room, mhm?" I suggest whispering in Sam's ear as we sway side-to-side, Sam having her head tucked into the nape of my neck. Sam nods her head as she gets excited.

"I want to dance with you. You are a good dancer." Sam tells me without thinking as her words are slurred, I chuckle softly as I quite like drunk Sam. It's funny to see her act so, innocent but bold at the same time.

"Thank you. You're not so bad yourself." I compliment to which Sam moves her head back and smiles widely at me.

"Has anyone ever told you how amazing you are?" Sam questions as her words are constantly slurred, the drink that she just chugged now doing its work, I shake my head as I truly couldn't remember a single time someone had called me amazing, "You truly are wonderful, Johnson. And I mean it." Sam whispers softly in her ear before giving me a kiss on the cheek without thinking then tucking her head back into my neck. I want to believe her but her being drunk isn't helping the debate in my head if she actually does mean it or not.

"You're just saying that because—"

"No, fuck off with the excuses and saying that I'm making shit up, ok? I know when I mean something and I mean what I said. I'm trying to be nice here." Sam cuts me off as she pulls away, my arms falling from her waist and Sam had removed her arms from around my neck. "I mean it, alright? Just accept it, ok?" Sam begs; her eyes drift to the floor feeling upset; I take her hands in mine.

"Hey, look at me. What's wrong?" I ask worriedly, Sam places her hand on my cheeks as she rests her forehead against mines.

"I don't want to talk about it here..." Sam whispers as her eyes wouldn't stop going between my eyes and lips, she looked tired and mentally exhausted. I nod my head as I realised that I was doing the same with Sam. My eyes going between Sam's eyes and lips but not wanting to make a move as I don't want to make Sam uncomfortable or take advantage of her, especially since she's drunk.

"Ok... Ok, we'll go home. Kate and Simon are waiting for us. Let's go, ok?" I explain to Sam, she nods her head as she smiles at me brightly, I grab her hand and we walk to the front of the house and meet up with Kate and Simon, but before Sam could say anything, I still need to warn Sam about me giving her a telling off about her drinking too much since it's only fair, so, I wrap my arm around Sam's waist and rest my head on her shoulder. Sam stops and looks up at me asking with her eyes if everything was ok "I get to have a go at you for drinking too much now. I'm not impressed, Samantha Fraser." I tell her off in a stern way. Sam practically melts toward me; I didn't mean for it to sound like that as I know what Sam was thinking about now and I wouldn't mind doing that but I'm not going to take advantage of Sam since she's drunk. I'd feel to awful and it's not right. So, I move in front of her and drag her closer to our friends, "Right, I've got everyone." Katie announces making both Simon and Kate slightly jump in surprise, they get up and Simon sighed.

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