Secret safe with me

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A/N: Olivia x Reader, thank you too heyitsliviablu for the idea and I also want to thank everyone who keeps coming back to the these one-shots, I really appreciate it! BTW as I'm writing this I had just watched the new James Bond movie, it's so good and we also HIT 8K!! LETS GOO!!!!!! Also slight mention of abuse.


Y/n was seated in the living room waiting on a response in a movie that she had an interview for with her girlfriend, Olivia. They haven't talked about what their going to do if they do get the part as they have to act like a couple. Although they actually are dating though, Olivia isn't out. But it seemed really easy to convince her mother to let Olivia move in with Y/n, since she saw it the way we wanted her too.

We said that if we got the movie together, we would move in since things would be easier as we had previously worked together on a trilogy and we kept picking each other up so, it'd be less gas so we would be saving money. She understood and Olivia's dad and mother agreed to let us move in with one another even though they didn't really need their exact agreement on them moving in with one another.

She was watching 'Skyfall' as it was one of her favourite action films yet she was quickly starting to crave watching 'Scream', her phone started to ring and she picked it up and answer,

"Hello?" She questioned waiting to hear Olivia's voice,

"Is this Y/n L/n?" The person on the other line asked.

"Uh, yeah." She answered truthfully,

"Hi, this is the casting director from the movie, (Random Movie Name) that you auditioned for. We are calling to let you know that you got the part!" The casting director, Craig, said. Y/n's eyes widen with excitement.

"T-Thank you! Thank you so much!" Y/n exclaimed. Her voice sounding casual but her facial expression was saying something completely different. Olivia came in just as excited as Y/n and when she saw that Y/n was on the phone, her eyes glistened with hope.

"We will see you in 3 weeks!" Craig happily let out, Y/n grinned.

"See you in 3 weeks." She stated before hanging up, both Olivia and Y/n not needing to speak to say that they had gotten the parts.

Y/n's POV:

"I'm so excited!" Olivia exclaim, I nod my head and kiss all over her face. She blushes at this action,

"I'm so excited to do this. Everyone will love it." I say resting my forehead against hers, Olivia nods her head before placing a kiss on my lips, I kiss her back and after a few seconds, we part away from the kiss.

*2 Months Later*

Day 8:

Still Y/n's POV:

We started filming last week and everything seems to be going ahead of the plan, so we may be able to finish it a lot quicker than we thought. I'm playing some detective and Olivia is playing a girl named 'Lily Scott', her outfits and make-up are simply divine.

Stunning. Beautiful. And amazing.

Of course I can't say anything though, cause Olivia isn't out to anyone just yet. She is to her friend Emily and a few others from the trilogy. But not a lot. Not to her family.

I'm in my dressing room getting my outfit on and the make-up artists are applying light make-up on, once they were done. I put the few rings that my character - 'Riley Harris' - wears. She's quite old-fashioned but I really like it. She's funny; smart, sassy, determind, brutal with her words, convincing, charming, and a little cruel to everyone apart from her girlfriend. I hear a small knock on the door,

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