Mixed Feelings

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A/N: This is a Heather x Reader story, enjoy! Also shout out to the writers of the show, I will be using a few of their lines just so it can get the story going, okay. NOW ENJOY!

Heather was a girl that was sweet and caring, she was always extra nice too her best friends; Y/n L/n, Natalie Williams and Bishop Moore.

She always liked writing and whenever she had the chance to write in her book, she'd take the first opportunity to take it, it was something that she enjoyed.

Heather's POV:
I'm walking over to Natalie's job, I got 2 cups; one for me, one for Y/n who's with me and taking small sips of her drink already as she was greedy and needed a drink, and one for Natalie! We're all gonna sit outside on Natalie's break. I go in front of the window and tap on the window as someone had left the shop, she looks over at me and Y/n who have big smiles on our face, she giggles and leaves to tell her manager that she was taking a break. Me and Y/n sit down on the curb waiting for her to come out and join us,

"You enjoying your drink there?" I ask her with a teasing grin on my face, she took a sip while turning to me and cleared her throat after she swallows her juice, she starts coughing to which I laugh at. "Idiot," I insult, she slowly stops coughing and nudges me lightly,

"Oh shut up, I'm smarter than you." Y/n fires back with a teasing grin on her face, I roll my eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey!" I say putting a finger up, she does the same as we both sit up more both trying not to laugh, "You may be smarter... L/n but! I am overall... more intelligent than you." I explain slowly as we both roar into laughter,

"Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night, Miss Nill." Y/n teases with a grin, Natalie soon comes out and we start randomly talking about outfits.

"Ooh! What about this one?" Natalie asks as she glances at me and Y/n then back at her phnoe starting to read off what it says, "Manic pixie dream girl, tragic ingenue, dangerous seductress?" Natalie asks me and Y/n while she was looking down at her phone, a snicker coming from Y/n.

"Uh, what?" I ask her slightly confused, I place my drink down turning to her,

"Outfits." Y/n answers for Natalie.

"Yeah! For Players' Ball?" Natalie asks me in a tone of slight surprise, I completely forgot about Players' Ball.

"Hmm. Okay, okay, let me think here..." I say as I face ahead, my face slightly furrowing and eyes narrow; I try think of something to come up with as Y/n simply stares at me with a smile on her face and Natalie's eyes were glancing from her phone and at me. "What about" I start placing my hand out, glancing at the two, "tragic pixie seductress?" I question with sarcasm causing Y/n to simply laugh and Natalie let out a fake giggle,

"Ha ha, very funny." Natalie exclaims taking a sip of her drink while I look ahead and grab my drink moving it toward my lips for another sip.

"Thank you." I grin out, I glance at Y/n to see her looking down as she seems a little out of it today, not really sure why or how, but I hope everything's alright. I glance back at Natalie and grin, "Think it's something." I say looking off into the distance with my eyes narrowed lowly as the sun was shining in my eyes, a smile plastering on my face. It wasn't until I notice Dodge walking toward where he works.

"So... u-uhm, how come Bishop couldn't make it?" Y/n asks as she looks at me and Natalie, we both turn to her and glance at each other then back at Y/n, "What?" She asks confused as she glances between us. She scoffs,

"Nothing." I mutter quietly taking a sip and leaning back slightly with a small grin on my face,

"Oh right! Yeah, I forgot, he's trying to change his 10 year plan for Heather to fall in love with him to 11. Here we go!" Y/n cheers sarcastically to which I punch her arm for as it was a really stupid comment.

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