Teenage Dream

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A/N: This is a Heather x Reader. (I got this idea listening to the song 'Teenage Dream' by Katy Perry, I think y'all will like this one!) Also, this will most definitely be a long chapter! Sorry, ENJOY!


Y/n's POV:

I arrive outside of Heather's house with breakfast from her favourite cafe that I got for us as we had a busy day of missing school ahead of us which I'm really excited about, when I pull up, I see her waiting patiently and once I park, she smiles getting in the car.

"Hi!" Heather greets as she smells the food from the back and turns to me giving me a huge smile, I grin letting out a small laugh.

"Surprise...?" I say in a questioning tone making her laugh, she kisses my cheek and grabs the food but I snatch it away from her,


"No, you have to wait." I tell her causing her to let out a groan of annoyance.

"You're so mean..." Heather complains as she crosses her arms, I reverse out of the parking spot and start driving off to this lake that's really nice, we both brought our journals as I know how much Heather likes writing and stories. I play some music humming along here and there as Heather just bops her head but stays quiet. 

"Don't be mad at me." I tell her in a calm tone to which she side-glances at me giving me some sort of glare before looking back at the road. I sigh shaking my head letting out a small laugh. "I'm not giving in," I doubtingly tell her as probably 10 minutes from now, she'll be eating. "come on, it's like a 35 minute drive--"

"Exactly. I can't wait that long!" Heather argues, I glance at her giving her a stern look to which she puts her hand up in a surrender sighing heavily as she seems unhappy that she won't be eating for yet another 35 minutes. "Your so mean, hate you." Heather mutters, I pull the car over turning to her, "I'm joking, I swear, I was joking. I'm just joking." Heather panic's causing me to laugh,

"You better be." I tell her giving her a stern side-glance, I continue the drive.

*Skip to when they arrive

We arrive at the lake and get out as Heather seems quite excited about it but then I remember she's really hungry and I have food in the back of my car that she's been pestering me about wanting to eat for the past 45 minutes as we kept having to stop since I kept having to tell her to stop distracting me since this was only the second time that I've came here. I grab the food, the blankets and my bag that I put on my back. We walk over to a tree where the leaves hang over slightly. We walk over setting everything down and Heather starts digging in almost immediately, I snicker at this action and how eager she was too start eating. She hits my arm,

"Don't laugh at me, I'm hungry." Heather tells me in a stern tone, I stare her down as she goes from looking at her food to her eyes shooting up at me, I tilt my head slightly grinning.

"Excuse me?" I ask her as I'm not impressed with how she's acting. She continues to eat then places a small kiss on my cheek.

"Sorry." Heather bluntly apologises as she goes back to eating her food, I snicker and start digging into my food as we talk about anything and everything. It was nice, I quite like doing stuff like this as being around her just makes me so happy; but we're both so busy with school, it's like we never get to be alone. 

We finish up our food and I put them away in a nearby bin as when I was walking back, I see Heather lying on her stomach writing in her little journal all smiley until it slowly fades, my eyes never tear away as she looks very focused on her work. I move next to her and start writing in my leather journal leaning against the tree while Heather is still on her stomach. 

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