Hang out session

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A/N: Olivia x Reader. 3rd post. Let's gooo. Now this is just something that I dream of doing with someone as writing is my favourite thing to do as well as reading! And listening to music! But everyone's different... so yeah. Enjoy!


It was a late night in New York and Y/n was more than awake, she had a lot of energy and so did her girlfriend, Olivia. The two didn't know what to do but Y/n knew that she wanted to do something with writing as she felt like she hadn't wrote in years when really it was 2 hours. So, Y/n packed a small bag, having an old fashioned leather journal with her favourite pen, her Macbook Air and the charger for it, with her two favourite books: Pride and Prejudice and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, the second book just being multiple stories in one huge book.

Olivia packed her own bag, having inside: a journal, a pencil case, a laptop of her own with a charger and the book: The Strings of Murder. She wasn't normally a murder mystery type book reader, yet The Strings of Murder seemingly intrigued her to the point where she bought all three books. She was on the second one: A Fever of the Blood. It was quite good even though she was only a few pages in, helped her understand Scottish language a little bit more as it was based near where Y/n's from and based in 1888.

The two headed out and Y/n drove to this bookshop/cafe that she knew Olivia would like, so, when they arrived. The building looked quite old-fashioned, when they headed inside; Olivia's eyes lit up just as much as Y/n's. Y/n took her hand and directed her to the staircase that seperated but met up to a second level.There was a third but Y/n directed Olivia over to the kid's section and walked up a single set of stairs that was quite tight fitting.

"Woah, this looks so cool." Olivia whispered to Y/n looking around with a huge smile on her face, Y/n grinned.

"I spent many nights here. Every night was honestly just so fun to do." Y/n pointed out which made Olivia smile. They got to a middle landing where there was tables for 1 or 2 and a window would be right next to them where they could watch the rain and fog grow while listening to some quiet jazz music. They placed their bags down at a table that was facing the window and they could set their laptops up and journal's and if they looked straight ahead, the window would be right in front of them, welcoming them to the beautiful sight of the fog and rain. "Hot chocolate?" Y/n asked which Olivia nodded her head at with a thankful smile. "Okay. I'll be right back." Y/n said as she walked over to another staircase on the far right side and walked over to the counter as it was a bookshop/cafe that was open all night. "Hey, Jordan." Y/n greeted and Jordan turned to her, a huge smile on his face.

"Well looky what we have here! Y/n L/n!" He cheered out leaning on the counter as she did too, both smiling. "What can I get for you?" He asked.

"Two hot chocolate's with whip cream and some small chocolate bites?" Y/n asked.

"Ah, you brought Olivia here. Finally. I was beginning to think she was imaginary." Jordan teased as he pulled out two cups then closed the cupboard door that was at his knees.

"It was one time and it was to shut you and Dylan up about me not being able to date anyone!" Y/n protested which made Jordan laugh.

"Mhmm... whatever you say. Now that'll be $6.32." Jordan said and Y/n handed him a $10. Jordan handed her back change which she just let him keep as a tip. Jordan gave her a thankful smile, "By your normal seat?" He asked and Y/n nodded her head. "I'll bring it by." He grinned out.

"Thank you, Jordan." Y/n thanked as she patted the counter before sliding her hand down then removing it as she walked down the stairs and back to her seat. She lifted her back and set it on her lap, opening it up. She placed her laptop in front of her and then set everything up. She plugged her laptop in and started to work on her novel as she wrote down in her journal here and there. After a good minute or two, Jordan came down with two hot chocolates and set them down, "Ah, thank you!" Y/n thanked.

"Thank you, Jordan." Olivia grinned out, Jordan smiled at the two.

"I'll be upstairs, reading if you need me." He said before jogging back up the stairs to his counter. Y/n and Olivia turned to each other, both humming with huge smiles on their faces.

*30 minutes later*

Y/n was typing and so focused that she practically forgot her surroundings, once she finally stopped and wiped her eyes forgetting that she was wearing her blue light glasses, she moved them up and itched her eyes, she then moved them back down and wrote in her journal yet felt eyes on her and didn't hear Olivia typing nor writing.

"Take a picture, love. It'll last longer." Y/n hummed out as she looked at Olivia with a smile who had her cheek rested on her hand. She blushed and removed her face from her hand and sat up slightly moving her hands to her thighs. She pulled out her phone and took a photo as Y/n went back to writing then back to typing a few lines quickly. 

"You caught me..." Olivia hummed out, Y/n chuckled.

"I did more than catch you, I also called you out." Y/n stated as she never managed to be able to catch Olivia staring at her, it was almost impossible as she was quick with her reactions unlike Y/n. Although she had fast reflex's, when it came to Olivia. It was as if everything didn't matter and she wanted to be patient and take her time with Olivia. She stopped writing taking a sip of her hot chocolate before turning to Olivia. She set it down and smiled. "You okay? Need any help with anything?" She asked.

"Yeah." She sighed out.

"Talk to me." Y/n grinned out placing a hand on her thigh and standing up moving her hand up her body and then moving her head on the left side as her arm was wrapped around her.

"So, the main character, Caitlin, murdered her mother when she was very young yet she couldn't control her powers and this guy named: Derek, that she's trying to create an alliance with said: 'Oh. That's right. You killed your mother before she could even teach you how to be polite.' Derek snarled at the girl across the table, an angry expression on his face grew, as he longed for her death to come sooner. Despising the girl in front of him.' But I don't know how Caitlin would reply to that." Olivia explained to Y/n, which she grinned at. 

She created a new paragraph and began to write something and when she was done, she turned her laptop to Olivia's direction, it saying:

'"Well... I'm not the biggest fan of mother's, Derek." She snarled back, a devilish grin tugging on her lips as her eyes grew much darker and unwelcoming, "They tend to get in the way of things." she continued as the grin turned into a smirk before she grabbed the glass of whiskey downing it in one go. Her eyes never leaing the man's across from her. He gulped nervously.'

Olivia turned around to Y/n with a huge smile on her face,

"I love you so much." She hummed before placing a passionate kiss on her lips. Y/n smiled into the kiss, kissing her back with just as much passion. The two pull away and Y/n kissed her forehead.

"And I love you." She whispered back staring into her blue eyes with a grin, she sat herself back down and let Olivia write it down before deleting it. She moved her laptop to facing her and continued to write, both girls going from writing at 2am, to Y/n being the last of the two to stop writing completely at 11am.

And Y/n couldn't have thought of a better way to spend time with her girlfriend.


A/N: I hope you enjoyed this small little one-shot, I found it quite cute and adorable but then again that's me, not everyone enjoys cafe's and writing as well as journalism and reading. Anyway, I'm going to bed! Goodnight!

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