Prank with James Corden

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A/N: Olivia x Reader

I got this idea from a David Dobrik vlog and found it so funny so, I decided that I would do it too!

Also! I noticed that we hit 34k when I was on my break! So, I just thought that I would say thank you for the constant report! I love you all so much and I appreciate everything that you've all done for me <3

ENJOY! Ahahah



"So, ladies and gentlemen! We have two amazing actresses with us today! Olivia Scott Welch and Y/n L/n everybody!" He introduced, everyone started to applaud as the two girls came out and waved, Y/n high fived a few people before she walked over to the chair and sat next to Olivia. "Hi, you two, it's so nice to have you guys on the show."

"It feels good to be here, thanks for having us." Olivia thanked and Y/n just nodded her head. Olivia turned to her and nudged her,

"Oh, yeah, thank you." Y/n chuckled out which made James laugh,

"So, Y/n, me and you managed to pull a little prank. Didn't we?" James hummed out, Olivia sighed and turned to the camera staring directly at it for a second before she turned to Y/n who was giggling,

"Yeah, we uh... we did. And I'm so proud of it." Y/n chuckled out which made James chuckle slightly,

"Everybody this is us pranking Olivia!" James exclaimed as the three of them looked at a screen.

(The prank)

Olivia's POV:

Me and James are in the car as we're gonna do this sequence that I'm quite excited for, we're going to this "scary" escape room.

"So, Olivia, you love scary stuff, right?" James asks me, I nod my head.

"I do! I really do, I love the thrill of being scared and I love horror movies. Ever since I was little." I explain to him that James nodded his head at.

"Well, I hope you do because it would suck if you didn't—" There was a knock in the back and James cleared his throat, I turn to look in the back then look at him, a small smile on my face as I face the road and look at the camera as my eyes narrow before I continue to face the road. "Anyway, as I was saying, I'm glad you like scary stuff cause it'd be awkward if you didn't." James dismisses and I look at him confused,

"We're moving past that?" I ask him and let out a nervous chuckle,

"Moving past what?" James asks confused, he glances in the back but then faces the road again,

"I must've been hearing something... sorry, you were saying?" I ask him as I didn't hear what he had said.

"I was just saying that if—" There was a louder knock in the back that James even heard, "Ignore that... that's just— my friend he left a recorder when we were filming a prank and he must've left it in the back."

"It needs to be set off for it to turn on, doesn't it?" I ask him, I can see slight panic in his eyes.

"Anyway, so, have you ever been to an escape room?" James asks me as he focuses on the road, I scoff at this and nod my head.

"Yeah, a few. I wanna go more though. But mostly... I'm just... I don't know, in book shops. Maybe a few clothing shops or... or out for lunch! Maybe, it sort've just depends on the day and if I'm filming or... or not. But yeah, I'd definitely like to go to more escape rooms." I explain to him, we continue to talk for another 5 minutes before I hear a knock in the back again, "Dude, I'm sorry but what is in the back of your car?" I ask him, letting out a small scoff.

"I told you, the recording." James tells me. I scoff,

"Like I said, something has to be triggering it." I tell him, he scoffs and glances at me shaking his head.

"I swear— no, actually. I promise you that there is nothing back there—" He stops as we can both hear a scratching sound now, slow but sounds deadly.

"Can we just... pull over? Check it out?"

"I'm telling you, it's a recording." He says as he pulls into the side,

"What kinda recording do you like?" I ask him which makes him roar with laughter, we get to the back and I open it and feel someone jump in front of me, I scream and see a clown mask, I push the person and grab a bat but the person takes the mask of,

"BABY, IT'S ME! IT'S ME!" Y/n exclaims scared, I sigh in relief, "It's a prank!" She laughs out, I go on my knees and shake my head as I cover my face. Y/n and James are just laughing.

"Oh, my God. I hate you so much." I say to her which makes her laugh, I stand up and hug her as I haven't seen her in 2 months since she's been busy in London with her family and filming. "I hate you but I've missed you!"

(Back to the interview)

3rd Person:

Everyone was cheering for the two as Olivia sighed,

"What? We surprised you, didn't we?" Y/n asked which Olivia scoffed at.

"Yeah, but why like that?" Olivia asked Y/n,

"Well... why not? I thought it was a good surprise." James expressed which Y/n snickered at.

"Yeah, it was a nice surprise!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Oh, shut up." Olivia scoffed out, Y/n chuckled and the two girls turned to James with smiles on their faces.

"Anyway! This has been Olivia Scott Welch and Y/n L/n, we will be right back after the break—" Y/n snickered and covered her mouth,

"Sorry." Y/n mumbled. "I can't help but laugh. It's just her face." Y/n laughed out, James just stared her down as Olivia and Y/n started to laugh.

"Anyway! See you all after the break!" James exclaimed as the crowd applauds the three as Y/n and Olivia are crying of laughter.


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