Something Dangerous

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A/N: Heather x Reader, backstory: Heather and Y/n were the best of friends until Y/n made a snarky comment which upset Heather and she went off to her other two friends; Natalie Williams and Bishop Moore, and Y/n went with her new friends and they stopped being friends. Yet Y/n made a promise that she would never hurt or prank Heather or Natalie as Heather and Y/n made a promise when they were little that Y/n hasn't went against, no matter how much her friends want her too.

Also shout out to: K8lyn2020 for the idea. Thank you <3


Heather Nill, a girl with much potential stuck in her own little world that makes her feel trapped and in a repetitive loop. Constantly. It was always as if her days were repeating and she found it so boring, she needed to get out of the loop that she was stuck in, especially with her mom and dad always fighting as that never seemed to help anything or end, it always making Heather feel like it's a long-lasting argument.

It was upsetting for the girl as she didn't have much excitement in her life, she'd just hang out with her two best friends; Natalie Williams and Bishop Moore. Her boyfriend, Bishop, was quite the manipulative boy toward Heather as he always convinced her who to stay away from and who not too. Often guilt-tripped his way into things as well. Natalie was oblivious to this as whenever they were hanging out, they seemed perfect. Like two peas in a pod. Two parts of a soul becoming one.

But then there was always something stopping them from having fun at school, of course. Y/n L/n. She had always made everything worse as she was quite the pranker, her little squad being; Mia McCree, Parker Lewis, and Kai Loski. Quite the troublemakers all for different reasons but Katie being the main problem, always trying to flirt with Heather but Heather would always push her away never letting her get a small chance as they used to be friends but she messed it up and Heather wanted to make sure that she knew that.

It always angered Bishop as he was captain of the boys soccer team and Y/n was captain of the girls soccer team, often practised together but as soon as Bishop got appointed captain, Parker and Kai dropped it going to basketball as they lost the passion and made a bet that if one of them didn't get appointed captain, they'd leave. Then Mia played soccer with Y/n and were on the team as they enjoyed it and it was sort of like their thing. Along with multiple others like Video Games; boxing, skateboarding, tattoo's, parties, going on Y/n's boat and taking it for a spin, etc. She lived quite the life that many others would dream of having in high school, as well as Heather's but there was always something going on behind everything.

Heather's POV:

I wake up to an alarm going off in my ear, I groan in annoyance turning it off and turn around trying to ignore it but only after a few seconds, I hear my phone going off again. I sigh heavily and turn around grabbing the phone, it's a call from Natalie. I sit up and answer placing it to my ear.

"Hello?" I ask giving Natalie no time to say anything,

"Heather, you gotta come to school! Now!" Natalie tells me as she sounds quite rushed.

"What? Why? I just woke up—" Natalie tells me what happened and I let out a frustrated groan, "I'm going to kill her!" I scream into the phone, I hang up, get dressed, pack my bag putting clothes in and grab the car keys rushing off to school.

5 minutes earlier:

Y/n's POV:

Me and my friends have come up with the master plan of pranking Bishop Moore, I'm so excited since he knew that I liked Heather but went off and found his own way to get to her, he was suck a dick about it. I hate him so much and he deserves payback for what that asshole did.

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