Unwelcomed surprise

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A/N: Sam x Reader


Also... I've accepted that i'm going to fail my biology test, so i'm giving up 🤠✌🏻

Also backstory: Pretend you are Deena, thanks ;) ahah


"Hey" by the Pixies were playing and Sam was cuddled into Y/n, her hand was on her stomach and Y/n's arm was around her waist, they were sitting in silence.

Not a word needed to be said.

Y/n was exhausted. She missed Kate and Simon, yet at least she still managed to have her little brother, Josh, and her girlfriend, Sam.

She was content lying there, Y/n felt like sleep could slip around her and slowly welcome her until the door started to ring. Both Y/n and Sam turn to one another, smiling. Y/n let out a small sigh,

"I'll have to get it." She groaned out, she got up and left her room and stood in front of the staircase that led to the basement, "Josh, someone's at the door!" She called out,
not hearing anything in return, she groaned. "Josh!" When she turned around, she got a small fright to see Josh holding Pizza and taking a bite.

"What?" He asked between taking a small chew at the slice that was in his mouth before taking another bite. Y/n's eyebrows raised, she glanced at the Pizza he had ordered then at him,

"You...? Ordered dinner?" She asked in disbelief, Josh nodded as he shrugged lightly,

"Yeah, it's not that big of a deal." He dismissed which Y/n started to ruffle his hair,

"Look at my baby brother, ordering dinner." She said in a fake baby voice making Josh tut and hit her hand away,

"You're annoying!" He complained,

"Proud of you." She scoffed out, as he walked past and started to head downstairs,

"Mueh neh nuah." He mimicked,

"Oh, Mueh neh nuah no nuah muah." Y/n fired back, the two letting out random words that weren't even words. She grinned and nodded her head, going to make her way to the kitchen when she heard the phone start to ring. She sighed and grabbed it, holding it to her ear. "Hello?" She asked, waiting a couple of seconds. She let out a tut before continuing, "Hellooo?" She asked again, "Look, dude, don't call here again, ha ha very fun—"

"You're still alive." The person on the other line said.

"Who's this?" Y/n asked confused as she didn't recognise the voice.

Sam was lying down on the bed, waiting for Y/n to come back,

"Why is she taking so—?"

"Sam." A voice breathed out which made her sit up, she faced the window confused and slowly turned back around. Ignoring it.


"You called me. Wanted to know how I survived the Camp Nightwing Massacre." The girl continued to explain,

"C. Berman." Y/n breathed out, her eyes slightly furrowed. She clenched her jaw,

"Did you touch the bones? Did you see her face?" She asked.

"No. Hey, hey, it's over. We—We ended it." Y/n exposed, "But thanks... for the nice reply, this is very helpful—"

"Over? It's never over."

"We stopped the killers. I'm pretty sure we ended it." Y/n sarcastically fired back,

"But you didn't stop her." Berman whispered into the phone, sending slight shivers down Y/n's spine.

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