"Tell me to stop and I shall."

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A/N: Sarah Fier x Hannah Miller

(Pretend Sarah didn't die)

BACKSTORY: Hannah Miller, Pastor's daughter being forced to marry a man that she has no interest in, she had been battling with the struggle of even being around. I mean Caleb isn't exactly the best man for her. But Sarah's perfect for Hannah. However, they can't have each other. And they won't ever be able too.

By the way, I got this idea from when Laurie from Little Women (2019 version) confessed his feelings for Amy. So, enjoy!



Hannah Miller was in her room, she was writing down on a piece of parchment, she hummed and smiled at what she had written before her mother came in, she hid it and stood up then turned around.

"Caleb's here to see you, his mother has created a fine dress." Goody (PFFFT, still find her name funny) Miller exclaimed with a huge smile on her face, Hannah rolled her eyes and stayed silent, she walked past her mother and went into the living room to see Caleb holding a white stitched up dress, he stood up when she came in the room and showed it too her with a smile.

"Do you like it? My mother made it... just for you." He hummed out and wished to hear her opinion, in a matter of fact, she wanted to say that it was complete garbage and that she would never wear such a thing in her life, but of course because her pestering mother was right behind her, she simply had to accept and appreciate the 'gift'.

"I-It's... uhm, wow." She sighed out and nodded her head and then looked at Caleb and gave him a fake smile that he even picked up on was fake. "Definitely something."

"You do not like it?" He asked as his face furrowed, Hannah stared him down for a moment,

"N-No! I-I love it. It looks... divine." She complimented as a lump of throat began to form in her throat. She wished she could talk to Sarah but they had a falling out, when she found out that her and Caleb were to wed; she immediately confided her in what was going on as she heard that it wasn't fully confirmed, but when Hannah confirmed it. It shattered Sarah's heart. Sarah loathed Caleb and it made the longing of his death to come even quicker. Caleb smiled widely at her and set it down carefully, he walked over to her and showered her face with kisses and then placed a kiss on his lips that he seemed to find pleasuring as Hannah felt so uncomfortable. He parted and smiled.

"I best be off, my mother will be wanting to hear all about how you adore the dress." Caleb exclaimed,

"Oh, how delightful..." Hannah sarcastically said with a fake smile tugged on her lips that seemed so obvious, he nodded his head.

"Goody Miller." He bowed at her and let out a nervous laugh and left the house, Hannah sighed in relief and turned around.

"It's truly beautiful, is it not?"

"I have to go out." Hannah exclaimed as she rushed out of the house and over to Sarah's house, when she arrived however, just as she was about to knock on the door. Sarah came out, she looked exhausted, like death. "Sarah." She exclaimed and sighed in relief, "My gosh, you ought to rest. You look like death." Hannah gasped out, Sarah looked at her and teasingly rolled her eyes.

"Well look at you being flattering as ever." She smirked out which made Hannah blush and smile. "Is there anything you wanted too—"

"Can we talk in private?" Hannah asked, Sarah looked around and nodded her head,

"Uh, sure. My dad and Henry isn't home. Come in, come in." She grinned out, the two headed inside Sarah's house and sat down, "Is there anything I can get you—"

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