"...it didn't work."

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A/N: Heather x Reader. Here. We. Go.


Heather was getting ready to leave for College as it was her next big step. Y/n was trying to catch her as she was speeding. Doing everything in her power to make sure that she got to say one final last goodbye.

Yet she knew she was running out of time, Heather wasn't answering her phone and it was an emergency.

A true emergency.

Y/n knew that someone was going to try go after Heather and track her down to make sure that they at least get half of the money, and Y/n was doing everything in her power to stop that as she kept getting in the way of the truck that was going to allow that to happen.

She called Heather again,

"Pick up, please. Please, Heather pick up!" Y/n screamed into her phone,

"Hey. It's Heather, I can't talk right now, I'll try to call you back." Heather's voicemail said. Y/n groaned but before she knew it, she had to come to a short stop yet the people behind her weren't slowing down anytime soon. So, she did the only logical thing and unbuckled her seatbelt, drifting to a right causing the car to tumble, she kicks the screen off and jumps out as she landed atop of Heather's car, falling down and landing in front of her car.

"HOLY SHIT!" Heather exclaimed getting out and with Y/n's last bit of energy, she grabbed Heather covering her as the guys tried to drive into the girls yet since they were trying to gain control, the car started to tumble and Y/n moved Heather onto the hood of her car before she ducked, the top of the car knocking her backwards. She skidded across the floor making it to the middle with the people in the car. "Y/n!" Heather cried out, she got back in her car and called the 911 explaining what was going on. She rushed over to Y/n. "Hey, hey come on. Wake up. Wake up, please..." Heather pleaded as she started to sob while checking for a pulse. "Please hurry! I can't find a pulse." Heather cried out.

"Ma'am, your going to have to start doing compressions. An ambulance is on the way." The operator explained and Heather started to give Y/n CPR.

"Come on, come on just breathe. God, please be alive." Heather pleaded before closing her nose and opening her mouth, giving her mouth-to-mouth. She stopped and checked for a pulse not feeling anything, she continued to go between CPR and mouth-to-mouth.

The medics arrived and started to take over as Heather held Y/n's hand. Stroking her face, she  let out a small breath, then started coughing while sitting up and everyone stopped giving her compressions and started to attend to her, she got put on a stroller and Heather sat next to her while the drivers drove to the hospital.

"You're gonna be okay, I promise." Heather whispered to the secret love of her life. Y/n started to draw a letter on her hand and Heather's face furrowed, "What?" Y/n drew it again. "B?" Y/n nodded her head tracing two o's. "o.o." Y/n nodded her head and drew another letter, "K?" Heather guessed, Y/n nodded her head. "Book." She said and Y/n drew two letters, "On.", Y/n drew a 'The' yet it took Heather a few goes. "The." Heather let out, her eyes darting between Y/n and her hand. Y/n drew letters and Heather slowly broke them down, "Kitchen." She said, "Table? Book on the kitchen table?" Heather guessed, Y/n nodded then pointed at her, "My kitchen table?" Heather guessed which Y/n shook her head at, and pointed at her. "At your kitchen table but it's for me?" Heather concluded and Y/n grinned and nodded her head, slowly starting to cough as she removed the mask that was giving her air to breathe.

Heather rubbed her back and helped her stop and put the mask back on,

"Okay, I'll go look at it once your all okay." She assured and Y/n nodded her head.

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